As I prepared to encourage people in a new season of harvest for America I kept seeing, in my spirit, an Awakening angel assigned to awaken a new season of Harvest time and revival in America. This angel was dressed in old, as in patriotic times. What came to mind was the beginning of the first thirteen colonies and the birth of America's independence and the first great Awakening. This angel was red, white and blue with a large sickle in his hand. I believe we are in a new season where we will learn to partner with the Angels that gather.
If you find yourself going through a battle where you feel you are losing control, know that it is just the enemy pulling out his big guns against you. He knows he is losing you and he is doing all he can to stop what is happening in your life. He knows that when your God accomplishes His mission in you and through you that He will receive great glory and that his kingdom is coming down. But just know that going through the transition of going to higher levels in Me is not an easy task to accomplish. It takes much warfare and trust in your heart to continue to press through to get to the other side.
Some of you feel like you've been wrestling with God so long now that you feel like you just can't do it any longer. Your hip hurts, your heart hurts, and it's been a long, long night. Much like Jacob, you are striving and wrestling with God, not wanting to let go until He blesses you. But you're tired and you're weary; you don't know if you can hold on another moment. But rest assured that you will prevail: "Your name shall no longer be called Jacob [deceiver], but Israel [strives with God], for you have striven with God and with men, and have prevailed" (Genesis 32:18 AMP).
On Feb. 17, 1967, exactly 50 years ago this month, a miracle happened near Pittsburgh that the world has largely ignored. It happened at a small Catholic retreat center called The Ark and the Dove, where a group of students from Duquesne University had gathered for a weekend of prayer. Suddenly, and without any warning, those students were baptized in the Holy Spirit. Patti Gallagher Mansfield, one of the first students to experience this outpouring of the Spirit, says she knew something remarkable and otherworldly had happened.
I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying that this is the season of the open door! I am opening new doors for you that were once shut. The pain, lack, frustration, and limitations you have experienced will be left behind as you step through the door that is open. The door will be grand. It is time to embrace this new season with celebration and anticipation of what is to come! You will not have to knock on doors in this season. You won't have to make it happen.
In this day, no one needs a tutorial with a litany of how the world has changed in the last few years in so many ways. What you may be experiencing that you did not ask for, could not predict and would never have chosen to happen is already in place. It is not eternal, but it is not going away. And it is you who must adjust. The Good News that remains forever true is that the Lord God has already arrived at this specific place and time ahead of you, prepared the way before you knew you would need one, and provided sufficient, overcoming grace for the journey.
In one of His most confrontational statements Jesus said, "I have come to bring fire on the earth." There are times in the Scripture in which fire is a symbol of judgment but in the great majority of references fire is used to point out God's divine presence. His words make it clear that the meaning behind His words, "I have come to bring fire" refers to something more than a cozy flame to cuddle up to! In this unique statement from Jesus the fire He is speaking of is not literally fire as in flames but a spiritual representation.
There is a significant shift happening right now, even today, a shift of deliverance. The chains that have held you tightly are breaking and your roots are going down deeper into His love. There is a fresh baptism of fire upon the people of God, a baptism of the fire of His love that is going to deal with the strongholds of fear, anxiety, terror, torment and chaos. The strongholds are being SUDDENLY shattered. He is uprooting unbelief caused from past hurts/wounds and lies/strongholds of the enemy and burning them up.
The Wind of Change is starting to blow through our lives and will continue through May. It is revealing things we will need to change and clean up to get us into the new season coming. Don't be discouraged during this process. Many people will be tempted to not recognize the season we are in—that God is continuing to do a deeper pruning time in our lives. It is important not to miss this opportunity to grow and go. You will need this to position yourself for the coming breakthrough. As God matures you spiritually and we go deeper in the Lord, what was dead in one season might still have small roots or tentacles alive deeper down. So don't be surprised or discouraged if you find yourself having to repeat some deeper cleansing in your life.
And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory. Isaiah 6:3 KJV We continue to study our theme, which is of being great encouragement within the discipline of meditation. We need to remember that Isaiah was a priestly prophet. He was well acquainted with the workings of the temple duties from the sacrifices in the outer courts, to the altar of incense in the holy place, the maintenance of the lampstand, and the most holy place where the Glory resides. So this vision is not far removed to Isaiah's knowledge of what can happen in that dedicated temple. It is essentially the place where God meets with His ordained priests to minister atonement and covering for sin.