The moment we think that something begins with us or our religious practice we need to understand that it is very likely that we have become involved within the space of a performance based religion and not a life giving grace based relationship with God. You see life begins in and within God. Forgiveness begins in and within God. Grace begins in and within God. Your true identity begins in and within God. . The Bible is clear about this when for example it tells us in 1 John 4:19 "We love because He first loved us." All good things come from God with no conditions attached. The Bible is clear about this. Take for example the birth of a child or better yet a time of great satisfaction given to a parent by a child.
At this point in the story we see how Satan has successfully engaged Eve in conversation, something she should have not been available for in the first place. Now we see how the serpent goes for the juggler vein, going for the kill if you will. Now he tempts Eve with the prospect of God being a liar and that she will be enlightened becoming like God.  It is the temptation, the delusion of her having something better than what she currently has. The serpent is saying, "Oh! The grass is greener on the other side and what you have is really nothing at all!" This is the false promise of better things when she already had it all.
Last night as I was reading the book of Psalms I heard the Lord say that He was releasing the P.O.Ws. (Prisoners of War). A "prisoner" is someone who has been confined or imprisoned for something that they did illegally or immorally, but on the other hand, a "prisoner of war" or a "captive" is someone who has been wrongfully imprisoned. They may have been imprisoned during or immediately after an armed conflict. The Holy Spirit is about to release those of you who have been wrongfully imprisoned and taken captive by the enemy in spiritual warfare.
When we coach people with the Heart Plan, the whole goal is to help them get in touch with their hearts. "Heart" is our emotions, but it's also something more. God writes His desires on our hearts in a way that they show up in our desires. As we mature, it becomes obvious when His desires and our desires overlap in a Kingdom sweet spot. That's where "life" happens. Whether it's abundance or persecution doesn't matter as much as being sons and daughters who get to do what our Father is doing. It's really fun…even if it's hard! We never connect in the first place. Many believers grow up and never learn to hear God's voice. They conclude that His will and His word are borne out of the principles of scripture and doctrine and they just set about "living by principle."
This is the promise, which He Himself made to us: eternal life. I John 2:25 NASU Jesus took our place in death and brought us out of death into his resurrection life. There are many exciting life giving scriptures, which support the wonderful news of a present tense available eternal life to all who will believe. (II Corinthians 5:21) (Romans 6th chapter) (I Corinthians 15th chapter) The following verse says that simply by faith in the word of God we have eternal life and are not under the judgment of God but we have passed from death unto life. Praise God Forevermore!
I am very excited about what God is speaking for the next 7 weeks, as well as the next 6 months. If you did not see my Prophetic Word for Pentecost, let me recap it. I had an encounter with the Lord on May 31, 2017, and was shown a new gate opening in the spiritual realm. The name on the gate is "Joy." The Lord spoke to me that over the next 7 weeks (now through July 19th), there is an open heaven for revelation and the release of His power. You can expect to receive repayment for the attacks of the enemy. God is now breaking the clouds of darkness and bringing people out of the wilderness, and God's light is going to shine on you in new ways.
I spend a lot of time trying to see the world through a positive, hopeful lens. I realize, though, some of you might feel left out. What about those who want to strike a match and watch it burn? What if you're really trying to mess things up? Well, this week is for you. Here are ten surefire ways to make it a little harder for all of us. Oversimplify complicated issues, then have a very loud opinion about it. Share those opinions as often as possible, especially on social media via memes. Limit your influences and embrace confirmation bias. Only seek information that already supports your existing beliefs. Live in an echo chamber. It feels real nice not having anyone disagree.
What is the purpose of a dream? How does God use dreams in our lives? What dreams should we pay attention to and what dreams should we ignore? How much influence should they possess in our lives? Is it safe to ignore them and how safe is it to act on them? The premise of this article is to explain the depths to which the Lord uses dreams to affect our lives. He uses dreams to wake us up, to give us prophetic insight, and to spur us forward toward our dreams and destiny so that we don't lose sight of them. In a society where success often looks like busyness and hurried insanity, God sometimes talks to us the only way he can…when we are asleep.
The Holy Spirit drew my attention this morning to the story in 1 Kings 18, when Elijah and Ahab and the prophets of Baal had their showdown. As you recall, Jezebel had been killing the prophets of God and supporting the prophets of Baal and Asherah. When Elijah shows up to meet with King Ahab, Ahab accuses him of making trouble in Israel but Elijah declared that it was the king and his family that had made trouble for the nation by turning away from God to worship Baal.
A fresh wind is being released from heaven that will bring waves of divine power to the church. This is not something that will come upon us nearly so much as it will arise from the fullness of the Kingdom that is already within us. No longer will the church look at what is buffeting the world and simply murmur, "This is not okay." No longer will His people see the influence of the enemy on the world and think the answer is to isolate or pull away. Instead, from deep within, the Voice that spoke to each of us like a trumpet to call us out of darkness and into His Light will stir within us and remind us of the dominion power He has given us to not only be His watchmen and discern the times but also be His stewards and agents of impact in all of creation, speaking in His divine authority to command that which is not right to shift, bow and be undone.