I see the Spirit of God moving through the arts in a wholly new, unique way. Painters, sketchers, graphic designers, potters, videographers, filmmakers, photographers, poets, writers (including songwriters), musicians, singers, dancers, and even DJ's – get ready to express the Father's heart in the new ways He's going to show you. Say what you will, but I am also getting that He is going to move through chefs, cooks, bakers, and baristas; clothing and jewelry designers; and also graffiti artists (that's specifically what I heard Him say).
Some traumas are so disrupting that even the strongest person would find it difficult to cope. Life can be difficult, for you and for me. Bad things happen. Your mind, body and soul cannot be completely closed to hurtful things that happen around you or to you. To some degree you are vulnerable, and when you're vulnerable, you're going to get hurt. Sometimes those wounds are temporary. It's as if your soul gets a cold. It hurts somewhat, but with a little time, things heal, and you go on with your life. At other times, the wounds are deep. Some traumas are so disrupting that even the strongest person would find it difficult to cope.
Salome is depicted by Christian traditions as an icon of dangerous female temptresses. She is famous for what was considered an erotic dance that no man could resist, the "Dance of the Seven Veils." Who was she? Why did she dance for John the Baptist? What really happened? Sometimes, the Bible stories can be difficult to understand unless we consider the culture that radically differs from ours. Background historical information can help us get a more clear picture. The story can be confusing because there were a few different Herods. First, there was the madman, Herod the Great, who strangled his wife and murdered two of his sons. Herod married 10 wives in all. He was the one who had all the baby boys of Bethlehem put to death.
"Jesus answered by quoting Deuteronomy: 'It takes more than bread to stay alive. It takes a steady stream of words from God's mouth.'"  Matthew 4:4, MSG While religion tries to relate to God only through text and quasi forms of worship, we cannot deny that it must begin and end in our walk with Him. Our theology is also very experiential. It should be ever growing and changing. Each time we see Him as He is, we change. As we experience Him in greater dimensions, He reveals Himself to us that we may behold His glory and become like Him. Yet all the while, there are those who feel they must help us to not go too far. For me it's too late. I've fallen in love with Him over and over again so many times that it's useless to tell me that one can go too far with Him.
With each generation, it seems that God is doing something fresh in the prophetic to prepare His Bride by way of adornment. There has been tremendous movement all over the earth as it pertains to His love and grace being poured out on all flesh. Prophetic voices, for the most part, have been in agreement that Father is unveiling His heart in amazing ways for what He is preparing for eternity. And that involves a call to intimacy like we've never seen in our lifetime. Looking back over the last 20 years of ministry in my own life I can tell you with certainty that Papa God has taken many of His Prophets through what I call "Special Forces" training in the Spirit.
Nearly two years ago at Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, I experienced one of the most spiritually active times I can remember. It was September 2015 and God showed me an outline for the coming 24 months. He said that starting on that day, and going through September 2017, we were going to see dramatic breakthroughs and turnarounds. In October 2015, I wrote about this encounter in a blog post titled: Prophetic Word: Strategy for the Next 24 Months. This is very significant for us right now, because between now and September we are going to see many of these things fall into place.
Hollywood, My Hollywood.  I am calling you out, My children! Calling you out to be My light and My presence.  Turn your light and life over to Me, and I will find you and fill it and double your anointing will be! You try to have favor in your own strength, but I will grant it to you, with the breath of your surrender!  It's that simple.  As one breathes in, to live, you shall breathe Me in and live...no, thrive! You can try all the yellow brick roads, but there's only one yellow brick road that leads to Me.  In Me, you will find all that you're looking for.  In Me is the fulfillment you're searching for.
For a few weeks now I keep hearing the words, "This summer will be remembered as a 'Summer of miracles." I continually see the months of May through August as a swell in the Spirit that births a time in history where great miracles are seen throughout the Earth. This "swell" will be like the miracle of birthing new life and will be marked by unprecedented miracles that occur in impossible circumstance.
A bar owner brought "Randy," a sheet of shiny steel, in an alley to protect it from the fight causing thousands of dollars in damage inside. It glowed for many months when the sun hit, causing all to see that it was protected. "I am valued," he boasted that which was around him. But the bottles, cans, plastic bags, and other garbage didn't believe him, and kept telling him that he was trash. "You are no better than us," they said. "They threw you out here to decay, to wither away, until you are nothing." One day, in a raging thunderstorm with a torrential downpour, Randy gave up. He accepted the words of the trash around him. All the protective coating he had been given slowly disappeared, and he was left unguarded to face the elements of the world.  Over time, he became riddled with holes, rusted and decayed beyond recognition.
Psalm 26:8 "LORD, I have loved the habitation of Your house, and the place where Your glory dwells." We are so blessed to be the chosen people created before the foundation of the world to be the habitations of God. We are the privileged people designed to be vessels of His surpassing glory. God calls us to enter into the fullness and simplicity of this life. Religion makes things complex. Jesus simplifies. Life in Him is simple, but sacrificial. There are verses in the scriptures that are keys and unlock the blessings of many other promises of God revealed in the scriptures.