I was contemplating the thought of what it must be like to dream with God so I figured, why think about it? I'll just ask Him. "Lord," I said, "What is dreaming with you like?" He replied, "Amy, dreaming with Me is a practice of becoming who you are. All My children are dreamers. Many just don't know it or have not allowed themselves to dream anymore. They were told it was foolish to dream; that it wasn't reality. They were told it wasn't possible, it wasn't practical and that they should look for something possible and practical to occupy in life." God continued, "How can My children believe in me when it is for something they can merely accomplish on their own? "
I had a dream last night of going to a house being built inside of a house. Really it seemed more like a pavilion at the time, but many things were gathered and you could tell a lot of thought had gone into it its construction. I was impressed by some of the things I saw that they had gathered. But the house was inside of the house and the world was outside. I got the impression that the people that would be drawn there would be drawn there from the other house that was over it. I just knew that there was sunshine outside, but that it was also a dangerous place. People needed shelter from the storms and attacks.
"Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." (Isaiah 43:19) I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying that in this season I am giving you a double new beginning! He is giving you a new beginning in your relationships. He is giving you a new beginning in your marriage. He is giving you a new beginning in your ministry.
About a month ago, I dreamed I was walking along the sidewalk of a city street. Along the walk I came upon a little girl crouched down in the middle of the sidewalk. I stopped, bent down and talked to her for a moment. I then asked her what her name was. Her name was, "Heaven." At that moment, I picked her up and carried her everywhere I went. I went into restaurants and stores and theaters and so forth, and as I did I carried Heaven with me into all those places. As the Body of Christ, we are called to be carriers of Heaven.
This time each year is important because it prophetically sets the course for the upcoming year. It is the time between the Jewish New Year, called Rosh Hashanah (September 21–22, 2017), and the Day of Atonement, called Yom Kippur (September 30, 2017). Even though we are no longer under the Law of Moses, God still operates on the Jewish calendar. We are in a time of reaping what was promised to us 2 years ago (and beyond). What has appeared to be a 2-year delay is actually part of God's plan to strengthen you and align you for this new season. Then those who feared the Lord talked with each other, and the Lord listened and heard. A scroll of remembrance was written in his presence concerning those who feared the Lord and honored his name. Malachi 3:16 NIV
I was meeting with someone last week who noticed my ring and asked how long I had been married. "Marriage is grand," he said, "and divorce is five hundred grand." You could feel the tragedy even through the joke. I laughed somewhat nervously and paused to let him elaborate. Just behind the humor was an obvious sadness. A few days later another person told me about his childhood and the pain he felt from being made fun of for being overweight.
One day the Lord gave me this word after taking notice of several signs throughout the day. One sign said: "Warning, Contents Under Pressure." As I looked closer it also said "Highly Flammable." Later on in the day I had seen several other signs which said "Shock Hazard" and another said "High Voltage." These signs caught my attention as the Holy Spirit gave me this word. There are so many people who are living under extreme pressure due to challenging situations that they are facing. For some of you the pressures in your lives are overwhelming. Jesus has a good plan for you no matter how things appear in the natural.
Whether God allowed my trial or caused it makes no difference to my heart. I'm trusting Him to protect me from calamity… and he doesn't. What if God really doesn't control "all" of time and circumstances and He is not the one who authors or authorizes our tests? What if Kingdom warfare is real and I'm not a rat in a cosmic laboratory being tested for heaven? What if God is really on my side and grieves with me when things go wrong? What if sovereignty means God controls whatever he decides to and he makes room for us to manage the rest? God has given us great influence over shaping this world into His image because of the power and calling He's invested in His sons. That's why He's the King of kings. It's our portion to rule and reign with Him.
"How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him." Acts 10:38 (KJV) If Jesus had to be anointed, then you and I need to be anointed too! As Christians, there is already an anointing within us, but our goal should be to get that anointing to increase. We want to experience more than a visitation, we want the anointing to abide continually and increase over our lives. In order for the anointing to increase, we have to have understanding. Many times we don't obtain fresh anointings because we don't know how to reach for them and pull them into our lives by faith.
Recently after many years without seeing an optometrist, I went in for an eye exam. Let's be honest. I'm not an appointment making type of lady, and I'm also not a "go to the doctor of any kind" type of lady, so when I say I went in for an eye exam, what I'm actually saying is my dear husband made an appointment and kindly reminded me repeatedly until I went to said appointment.