When Moses said, "Show me Your glory," he was really saying, "Please show me the inner reality of who You are. Let Your glory come down and in that glory, let me know You. Let me know Your character by revelation. Then God showed Moses His glory, and started to reveal His character, "I am the Lord who is compassionate, gracious, slow to anger..." But make no mistake, this wasn't a crash course in God's character. It wasn't head knowledge Moses received.
Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.  The lion hath roared, who will not fear?  The Lord God hath spoken, who can but prophesy? Amos 3:7-8 Much can be learned from the writings of Jewish sages and rabbis, not found in the Bible but kept and handed down for centuries.  I have discovered something very significant, taught by these sages and rabbis regarding the prophetic fulfillment of the Feasts of God. The three main feasts are Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacles, with Passover and Tabernacles being three part feasts, making a total of seven feasts.
Things are shaking in the world today, and that which is built upon deception, lies, hate, and perversion is coming down. I want to preface by stating that this is not meant to be a spooky, weird, or scary prophetic word, even though I normally don't prophesy like this. Make sure and read to the end because God is good, and this shaking is good for us, good for the world, and good for the Body of Christ. There is a lot of shaking taking place in the world today. Not a physical shaking but a spiritual one.
We are to desire the gifts of the spirit and especially prophecy.  The Bible says in the last days I will poor out my spirit on all flesh. It says your sons and daughters shall prophesy and your old men shall dream dreams.  So in the last days people will be hearing from God through prophecy, dreams and visions. We can also hear the Lord through that inner voice or some people and audible voice sometimes but mostly an inner voice.  But are these things reliable?  Can we always go by prophecy, dreams, visions and that voice?  The truth is no.  I have heard from the Lord for others many times. 
When a pregnant Mary came up on the inn, ready to deliver, I doubt she heard "there are no rooms" and thought, "oh perfect, things are going exactly as planned!" We have no way of knowing, but in my own experience with God I think more than likely this detail was not one she expected. Don't we all hit those unexpected hiccups on the way to our destinies? In fact, in the midst of the very MOMENT OF BIRTHING God's plans. She could have questioned God and why He wouldn't provide a room for her. She could've even second-guessed that they were in the right place or that the timing was right. She could've even doubted her calling entirely because of how DIFFICULT the situation had become.
"Man one thing is for sure and that is that this Christian walk is so hard," said a man on a plane I had the opportunity of speaking with in a recent trip. Unfortunately the reality is that for many of us our encounter with Jesus is nothing more than a mental illusion instead of the spiritual experience it was always meant to be. Even though we make a decision to follow him, and try really hard to do it, we do so from our minds and not our hearts. This is why so often Christianity is so hard and so many of us give up on it and God, as we believe that if practicing it is that hard then God must be equally hard to relate with.
I heard the Lord say, "Get ready for promotions and things to start happening quickly this year." … I am the Lord; in its time I will do this swiftly. Isaiah 60:22 NIV Many people have been waiting for God to move in their lives, and also bring a much-needed revival to the world. Get ready for things to begin lining up like never before. Expect to hear the voice of God much more clearly, as you are being called up to a new level of breakthrough and maturity. The spiritual atmosphere is very ripe for something new. God is moving and preparing for a radical revival that will start first in our own lives. We have endured a dry season in which many people have not seen the fulfillment of prophetic words and promises from God. Watch for the Lord to bring His instructions to you.
The Bible establishes the fact that Jesus Christ came to restore us to right relationship with God. Through His blood, we are free from sin. By His stripes, we are healed. This sacrifice was without limitation to every person, yet not all are free from sin and not all are healed and well. Why? Because it requires something of each individual person. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name. John 1:12
"He did this only to teach warfare to the descendants of the Israelites who had not had previous battle experience." Judges 3:2 God brought the nation of Israel into the Promised Land of Canaan through Joshua. After Joshua, there came an entire generation who had very little experience in fighting battles like the ones fought by Joshua. Training and testing God's people is one of God's important strategies that enable His children to succeed in spiritual warfare. This is why we do not live a life free of trials. These trials are sent specifically to see if our faith is real or simply empty words.
"You know well enough how the wind blows this way and that. You hear it rustling through the trees, but you have no idea where it comes from or where it's headed next. That's the way it is with everyone 'born from above' by the wind of God, the Spirit of God" (John 3:8 MSG). So many believers are in desperate times right now; many in financial need, many in despair and disappointment. Chances are, you've been disappointed... Try as you may to hold on, it is difficult - and many ask, where can I turn? In unbearable disappointment, heartbreak, broken covenant, gut-wrenching reality -- where can you turn? Who really cares?