Our pursuit of God plays a key role in getting us recognized by God. God's love is there for everyone, (John 3:16) in this sense God recognizes everyone, but being used in His Kingdom is a different story. (Luke 9:62) Imagine a radar, picture it in your mind, where you see the blips on that green screen where something is detected in a certain scope or sphere. This is a picture of how we are also recognized and detected on God's all seeing radar. The eyes of the Lord search throughout the earth looking. (2 Chron. 16:9) Why does He have to search? Because not everyone is searching for Him. Not everyone is seeking His interests, but their own. God is looking for a true hunger and thirst for righteousness in our hearts.
This is the season of the biblical sage among my people. I am shining my light on those sons who have supernaturally received "spiritual apostolic doctorates" through 20, 30 and 40 years of study without ceasing in the metrons to which they have been assigned. This generation, this population of people is the sages of their day, WISE MEN that I have raised up who have maximized academics through self-study and revelatory understanding through their time with me.
Have you ever had Holy Spirit speak something to you that did not make sense at the time, but later it was evidently a crystal-clear word from the Lord? It happened to me a few weeks ago as I was going about my day. I was not thinking about swords, or any weapon for that matter, and I heard the Lord say to me, "Don't take the edge off My sword." I tucked it away in my memory, and it was not until the next day that I realized what He was trying to say. Though I recognize this applies to the entire body of Christ, I want to address the prophetic voices in this hour, the prophets.
The wife of a man from the company of the prophets cried out to Elisha, "Your servant my husband is dead, and you know that he revered the Lord. But now his creditor is coming to take my two boys as his slaves."  Elisha replied to her, "How can I help you? Tell me, what do you have in your house?" "Your servant has nothing there at all," she said, "except a small jar of olive oil."
The greatest enemy of faith, the most subtle and the most devastating, is the lack of knowledge of the Word of God. To believe the devil's lie that, "It is God that is putting you through trials and tests" will neutralize your faith. Through religious tradition Satan has blinded the minds of Christians to what the Word says. Jesus said, "SATAN HATH DESIRED TO...SIFT YOU." James 1:2 says, "...count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations." Notice, he said, "When you fall into temptations," not when you walk into them with your eyes open. Some folks have walked into them with their eyes wide open! This verse is often misquoted as, "The trying of your faith perfects it." But the Word says, "The trying of your faith works patience."
We have the mind of Christ (1 Cor. 2:16) what and where is the mind of Christ our what does it mean to have your EYES open! An interesting verse about hearing God is found in (Psalm 16:7). The word for mind here also describes heart, and the inmost being. They are used interchangeably in three different bible translations: "I will bless the LORD who has counseled me; indeed, my mind instructs me in the night" (NAS). "I will bless the LORD Who has given me counsel; yes my heart instructs me in the night seasons" (Amplified Bible). In the Complete Jewish Bible, the Hebrew translates mind and heart as inmost being: "I bless ADONAI, my counselor; at night my inmost being instructs me." The promise is that even as you sleep there will be revelation.
It's the season of woodpeckers. Recently I see multiple of these red-headed beauties each day, which seems like more than I typically notice each spring. The beautiful thing about woodpeckers is that they SEEK OUT areas of DISTURBANCE. Areas recently affected by fire, land that's recently been CLEARED (God just recently spoke about clearing), or places where trees have died are just a few places they choose for their NESTING GROUND (allaboutbirds.org). How beautifully unexpected. They seek for their place of BIRTHING new life the places that have just experienced disturbance. Google dictionary defines disturbance as "the interruption of a settled and peaceful condition."
John the Revelator warned, "Beware of FALSE apostles." (Rev. 2:2). Even in his day, there must have been those masquerading around pretending to be an apostle. We sure see a lot of that going on today! John tells us that God HATES their deeds and the way people elevate themselves as "apostles." We will later examine the characteristics of those who really do the work of apostles. But. right now, let's look at the false. In our modern day, it seems that being an apostle has been greatly misunderstood. The title and anointing of the Office of the Apostle is often abused and misinterpreted.
Those of you who know me, know that the Holy Spirit sometimes speaks to me through extremely vivid dreams. This morning when I woke up I knew that I had several dreams but I couldn't recall the details. After a few minutes I walked into the kitchen and as I looked at my clock the Holy Spirit instantly brought back to my remembrance an amazing dream that I had. I knew without a doubt that this dream was a word from God. In the dream I was looking at a clock on a wall. It was a fairly large clock, round, and approximately 12' in diameter. As I was watching it the hands began to rotate on their own.
"If there be a messenger with him, an interpreter, one among a thousand, to show unto man his uprightness." (Job 33:23) There is a great need for interpreters in our day. These are the ones Father can trust to share His heart and impart that truth into the lives and circumstances of desperate souls. But they are few and far between—one out of a thousand, according to Scripture, and it's probably not much more today. The Lord chooses and qualifies these anointed ones to speak His heart into the lives of others.