The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Isaiah 40:3 KJV The call of John into the wilderness is a demarcation in forsaking family duty, what is expected and what the Law determines. John is the son of a priest. As sons, it is predetermined that they follow the course. The Scripture in Isaiah 40 represents some unheard of movement of the Lord. It represents an apparent break with conformity for the objective of bringing about the greatest prophetic task ever undertaken until Jesus.
Marriages are being bombarded by severe, raging storms like never before. Did you know that when you were even thinking about marriage, God was already thinking of miracles? God spells the word marriage, "m-i-r-a-c-l-e." The Lord actually created marriages with a built-in need for miracles. The Lord ordained marriage to not only require miracles but to demand them. Marriages demand miracles. From heaven's perspective, here is how it works. The Lord will allow your wine in your marriage to run out to get you on miracle territory, just as at the first marriage wedding feast in Cana.
We must be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit in all that we do, to walk and talk with Him in the cool of the day. He knows the desires of our heart and will meet us where we are. If you desire quiet time to worship Him, He will give it to you no matter where you are at because if you dwell in the secret place, you are in the position of worship at all times. This is the day the Lord has made and we shall rejoice and be glad in it. Never allow the enemy to steal your joy and the blessings God has given us by dwelling in the place of uncertainty, doubt, unbelief and worry. Be thankful for the peace and safety and our many blessings for they are far more than many have at this time especially those going through great persecution.
"God, the Lord, is my strength; He makes my feet like the deer's; He makes me tread on my high places." Habakkuk 3:19 The Lord spoke to me today about many in the body of Christ feeling like they are lacking strength right now. Many are still in that place of weariness and feeling battered by the battle. The Lord showed me significant weariness in the body of Christ physically, emotionally and mentally that many are facing and enduring. I also saw many are enduring this weariness in secret, only the Lord knows really how tired they are.
The harvest is the end of the age, and the harvesters are angels. (Matt 13:39) I had a dream and I saw Awakening. There is a angel assigned to AWAKEN a new season of harvest and revival in America. The Mantle for stadiums and the open fields is here. The Holy Spirit whispered it is time for the Mass stadium Power Evangelism Anointing to be released to the next generation. God is now releasing the Angels that gather and reap the harvest. These same angels remove every hindrance and obstacle to the harvest. One aspect of the angels' roles, as we see in (Hebrews 1:14) is to minister to those who will inherit salvation. In other words, angels are directly involved in the harvest.
"Every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like the head of a household, who brings out of his treasure things that are new and fresh and things that are old and familiar." Jesus in Matthew 13:52 AMP A few years ago Jesus appeared to me in a night vision and told me that I am an apostle. Later it was prophesied to me by someone whose prophetic gift I greatly respect, that I am also a father to the Body of Christ. While I didn't discount this prophetic word given to me, I couldn't fully embrace it at the time.
In February 2018, I was in the Spirit on the Lord's Day when before me a massive ancient lock appeared suspended in the air. The Holy Spirit invited me to enter in through the skeleton key opening on the front of the lock. When I approached the keyhole, it was like a large arched entryway into a castle or fortress. It was plenty big enough for me to walk into it. The giant arched walkway led into the intricate inner workings of the lock. I realized that my body and presence were being used as keys to gain entrance into the depths of the giant lock.
We are living in extreme times as the world is living in extreme behavior, and now is the time for the body of Christ to rise up and come out of passive and lukewarm Christianity. Throughout the bible we read about radical men and women who were used mightily by God. Joseph was sold as a slave, tested and tried but stood steadfast until the word of the Lord came to pass. Pharaoh assigned him to be Vizier, which is the highest official in Ancient Egypt. (Psalm 105:19) Moses parted the Red Sea with a rod and the Israelites crossed over on dry ground but Pharoah and his army drowned as they tried to pursue them.
Comparison is a trap. You were created uniquely. The world needs your flavor of leadership. We don't need one more TD Jakes. We already have one, and he's killing it. We need a you. You carry something unique. The world is waiting on you to release what God has packed on the inside of you, whether that be your sermons, your books, your art, or some other kind of ability that God gifted you with. I want to share with you a little story.
There's a saying that goes like, "Be nice to everyone you meet, because everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about." I was reminded of this in one of the cathedrals we toured in Ireland when I stumbled upon a prayer book written by people passing through from all over the world. Two recent entries in particular stood out to me. I'm assuming they were written by a couple that was there together. The first read, "Lord, help us find the faith we've lost, and help us help others do the same."