Over the last 8 years I have written quite a bit. Obviously like everything in life I have progressed over time the more I have written. These days it's easier to find ways of communicating what is in my heart, but if I am brutally honest I still struggle with the thought of not being as relevant and convincing as other authors are out there. Only the other day as I was meditating on this feeling I felt God whisper into my heart "Pablo keep it simple as it is not your relevance or ability that produces the results. That part is for me to take care of." I must admit that this took me by surprise as clearly coming from a background of high performance sports I am all for honing our skills on our way to mastering our craft. Yet with God, even though hard work and progress is good, it nevertheless appears to be the other way around.
This is an exciting week that is going to be a turning point for many people! Forty (40) weeks ago God opened your Book of Life and now it is going to be birthed this week! The Jewish holiday, Hoshana Rabbah, is the time when God reveals your Book of Life for the coming year. We are no longer under Moses' law, but God still operates on the Jewish calendar when it comes to releasing your destiny. During the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, the Lord begins to examine our lives. Just over a week later, our destiny for the coming new year gets sealed on Yom Kippur. Then at the end of the Feast of Tabernacles, on Hoshana Rabbah, our Book of Life is opened and our calling and destiny for the coming year is revealed. For the year we are currently in, this occurred on October 11, 2017.
Something hurtful has happened to you, and you feel like you are all alone. Perhaps you are being attacked with sickness and disease and lack the physical strength to be with people. Maybe you lost a loved one and are struggling to heal from the real pain of grief. Or you may have been betrayed by a spouse or close friend. There are many reasons why we can feel all alone at times, and it is difficult to pick up the broken pieces and move forward again. If this is where you are at in life right now, I encourage you to spend time with the Lord every day, and meditate upon the following Scriptures and allow the healing process to begin.
Love God and love your neighbor—Jesus made it pretty simple. He didn't make it easy, though. Loving God includes having faith, which is confidence in things hoped for and the assurance of things unseen. And guess who our "neighbor" includes? Our enemies, too. Simple, not easy. At times they almost seem like impossible things—faith and enemy loving, that is. Believing in the midst of tragedy that God is working for your good can almost feel like a bad joke. Forgiving someone who hasn't asked nor feels any remorse for their wrongdoing can feel downright counterintuitive, even unjust.
Recently more than a few physicists have concluded that when what is called The Big Bang occurred, it took place faster than the speed of light. At the same time, they are certain that nothing can move through the universe faster than that same speed of light. Their conclusion confounds them, but still, they concede it. They can offer no explanation for this contradiction. It is just something they accept by observation as the only explanation. By doing so, these physicists are making a huge concession. They are concluding that what created the universe had an ability superior to what resulted from that act.
Don't forfeit today on the altar of tomorrow. Psalm 118:24 "This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it." Jesus really wants us to learn to live one day at a time. It is so easy to get ahead of schedule. Human nature likes to jump and skip over things to get where it perceives that it needs to go faster. Have you ever done that? I can remember as a little kid that "taking cuts"Â was pretty common when we were in line at the school. We need to learn to enjoy and maximize the moment that we are in. Every day has enough trouble of it's own. There is no point is trying to get ahead of things, being anxious. Anxiety and worry choke out the power of God's Word for our lives. Hear the wisdom of Jesus.
What has God been talking to you about lately? Has He been speaking to you through the scriptures? Did you hear the still small voice of the Holy Spirit? Or did you turn the television on just in time to hear a message that seemed directed straight to you? There is no doubt that God continually tries to speak to us in many different ways. He wants to lead us out of bondage, every kind of bondage, and bring us into the Promised Land of freedom, health, and continual sustenance. What a marvelous thought – peace, rest, health. Did you think that was only possible in heaven? "Wherefore say unto the children of Israel, I am the Lord, and I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians, and I will rid you out of their bondage, and I will redeem you with a stretched out arm, and with great judgments." (Exodus 6:6)
There is a fierce fire that burns within all of our hearts, and the embers of this fire must be stirred to burn like a furnace. We must rise up and be the champions of our families, cities and our nations, blazing like torches for His Glory as we continue to see the lands of our forefathers restored. They are our inheritance, our birthright. Darkness eats at the very fabric of the tapestry that we see before us. The enemy may look as though he is winning, but he is NOT! Many Saints have been in such a battle; I see the battle of the mind is under greater attack, like never before. I wrote a word on the spirit of Leviathan last year, it still holds till this day.
This is a call and a strategy to pray and break the spirit of violence. God spoke to me that we've just entered a very important time—July 1, 2018, through September 19, 2018. September 19 is Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement on the Jewish calendar, which is when God seals the verdicts He has spoken over you for the coming year. The Lord is calling us, over the next 80 days, to complete anything He has asked us to do. We can also do anything that might prepare us for what God is calling us to. There is going to be a major shift starting in October 2018. There is no need to be legalistic, but it would be good to ask God to show you more about this.
Have you felt like your life has been a whirlwind lately? This is for you!!! I came across the passage in Hosea 8 about reaping the whirlwind. I had always read this passage as a wrathful one, but this time God began to download something I had never heard before. Now I read it as a tender, pleading call back into His arms. Whirlwinds come in your spiritual life; times when obligations and events and heartaches and busy days are swirling around. Merriam Webster defines whirlwind as "a small rotating storm of limited extent" or "a confused rush."