There were and are prophetic schools for those who had/have interest in the prophetic, but most of the leader prophets, had callings that extended out and beyond the schools. They were noted by others as such and often would teach at the schools. A school cannot make a prophetic calling, but it certainly can yield prophetic support! And called prophets can be helped by attending prophetic schools, but if they really have a calling they will often also be called apart from the schools (and comfortable places) to deliver their messages. Some messages are one-time messages (as we see in the Bible) and some are seasoned callings over an extended period of time. (If you are trying to put God in a box here, it won't work, except in your mind.)
At the end of December 2018, I had a vision. In this vision I saw a huge hawk swooping down from high, thrusting down into the grass to grab snakes that were hiding there away from plain sight. I believe the Lord was showing me that the snakes are like the enemies attacks against your life. I believe the hawk represents how the Lord wants to reveal to you what is hidden and bring exposure to it, so it can be eradicated and rendered powerless in your life. In review of the Jewish calendar, January 22nd, 2019 begins the year 5779. The year 5779 is part of the "Ayin" decade (2010-2019) and the letter "Tet" has the numerical value of 9.
Scripture has many verses and passages about the power of our thoughts. One such verse is Proverbs 23:7, "For as he thinks in his heart, so is he." This verse is simple yet profound. It teaches a person is her thoughts. Whatever a person is manifesting in life is due to that person's thoughts. Outward reality is a product of inward reality. What is happening in the mind is happening in the world of experience. If this is true, then it is imperative for a person to be intentional about what she is thinking. The quality of her life is then boiled down to the quality of her thought life. The better her thought life; the better her actual life.
History has been marred by wars, rioting, despotic leadership, geopolitical challenges, ethnic cleansing, environmental erosion, and diseases that threatened to wipe out all of humanity. Yet in spite of these threats to our very existence, we are able to look through the pages of history books to identify individuals who kept hope alive and pointed us to the possibility of a better and brighter future by the power of their vision. Proverbs tells us that, "where there is no vision, the people perish"(Prov. 29:18), they stumble in the darkness of despair.
God has destined us for victory. He has created us to be overcomers in this life. He who is born of God overcomes the world and our victory is intimately connected with our faith. (1 John 5:4) We realize that God has already given every man the measure of faith. (Rom. 12:3) As well, we also know that faith "comes" by hearing and that our faith needs to be in God's words coming alive in our hearts. (Rom. 10:17) Do we need more faith? Most likely not. Luke 17:5-6 "And the apostles said to the Lord, "Increase our faith." So the Lord said, "If you have faith as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, 'Be pulled up by the roots and be planted in the sea,' and it would obey you."
As we begin this New Year, I was praying and asking God what He wanted to focus on. He showed me a rollercoaster, and as the cars began the ride, they started up the steep incline. For many 2018 was like the beginning of a rollercoaster. It was a slow process. It felt uphill or like you were having to really push through. As you get closer to the top where the rollercoaster releases, a few things happen. First, you hear click, click, click of the track with each inch closer you get. These, spiritually, have been moments of 2018 that were moments it "clicked." They were moments of revelation where God spoke something or taught something to your heart and it took you one notch higher.
Did you know that you have a Book of Life in Heaven? It contains a record of the plans and destiny God has for you! The Book of Life is actually mentioned several times in the Bible. For example: "… all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." Psalm 139:16 NIV Learning how to understand your Book of Life will help you understand and navigate life's times and seasons. Here are a few ways you can start aligning with God's purpose and calling for your life and understand the fresh assignments from Heaven for 2019.
Heading into this busy time of year, I woke up and asked the Lord to direct my thoughts. With so many options before me, I knew I needed to focus my energies carefully. That's when I heard, "For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven"(Eccl. 3:1, ESV). I quickly realized that I could slip into automatic gear this time of year and begin to expect certain things, anticipate needs and priorities, and miss what God is doing this time. I felt the Lord's caution and reminder to carefully look and watch for what He is doing in this season, rather than assuming.
"And the Lord said to Joshua, 'This day I will begin to exalt you in the sight of all Israel, that they may know that, as I was with Moses, so I will be with you.'"(Josh 3:7-8). Joshua had been a faithful number two man under Moses for 40 years. Can you imagine serving one man for 40 years? Now that is faithfulness! Even so, when the time came to pass the mantel to Joshua, God knew he needed to be elevated in the eyes of the people in order for Joshua to accomplish his purpose. That is the purpose for elevation - so that you and I can fulfill our purpose and our mission.
Where do we go as a Church? Today, we hear the Spirit of the Lord clearly say, "The future is in your hands!" On this New Year, let's consider what are some things that must be done to revitalize the Church? Where do we go from here? We must build out koinonia – our togetherness. Our connectivity must cross all pre-defined boundaries – past theological differences, past polarized partisan dogma, and beyond gender and racial divides. Probably none of us agree on very much on doctrine!! Could we be straining at the gnats?