We are coming into a time in which the warrior heart of God is going to be more prominently seen. We have witnessed much of the mother heart of God, but we are about to see His father heart manifested in greater measure. That which He is passionate about He is going to fight for. He will show His strength and His unmistakable active involvement in our circumstances. The characteristic highlighted of the Lord in this time will be God the DEFENDER and PROTECTOR. 
Most people have goals and plans. Even from an early age some boys want to be firefighter's and some girls a nurse. Some goals take a lot of doing and others not so much but if we are productive people we have them. Christians especially have goals and plans after all they want to be world changers and touch people's lives. Our two most important goals should be to love God and love people. It's important that we don't get lost in all the striving after things in this world and forget that. Those two things, the whole law of God rests on, and are the two greatest commandments. So, we love but we do other things in our lives and make plans.
Did you know that the term "soul mate" is in no way biblical? That's right, you can search the whole Bible, but you won't find that concept anywhere. As spiritual as it might sound to use such terms and as much as it makes us feel all the butterflies when we speak of finding "the one," such terms are really nothing more than misnomers. In fact, the implications of using such a term is dangerous and confusing. I have met beautiful, sincere individuals who remained trapped in unhappy, dissatisfying, and even ABUSIVE relationships simply because they believed they had no choice to leave. 
This month I received an update on the prophetic word and encounter I had last year on Yom Kippur, the holiest day on the Jewish calendar. It was September 19, 2018, and I had a very powerful prophetic dream and spiritual encounter with the Lord. I released this prophetic word, "Ancient Paths and Time of Transition" in October 2018 and also on my Spirit Connection Webcast. This is what the Lord says: "Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls. But you said, 'We will not walk in it.'"Jeremiah 6:16 NIV In the Yom Kippur dream I saw a narrow doorway that would only allow a person to go through it. The doorway was leading to the New Year and our future.
For God may speak in one way, or in another, yet man does not perceive it. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls upon men, while slumbering on their beds, when He opens the ears of men, and seals their instruction. In order to turn man from his deed, and conceal pride from man, He keeps back his soul from the pit, and his life from perishing by the sword (Job 33:14–18). When we received salvation we were told we had to give up our exciting nightlives. But have you ever thought that believers in Jesus Christ should have the most exciting night lives ever?
Being in nature and its vast beauty with only what I could carry in a pack brought a sense of wonder, contentment, and joy that needed very little to sustain it. The backwoods camping trip to Yellowstone showed me something I can't unsee. We create systems that require all sorts of foundations to stand up. I'll be happy when: I earn a certain amount of money, my family looks a certain way, I achieve xyz-fitness goal, I have this type of house and car, and so on. We work and work, trading our time for money in the early days then trading our money for more time as we age and enter into our last years. I was reminded of this reality just this week as I pushed coins into a parking meter. Money for time, time for money. 
For all the pilgrims who are on a healing journey (or soon will be), and for all the witnesses accompanying them (or will be), this is for you. A PILGRIM is one who journeys, especially long distances, to a holy place for a religious or spiritual purpose; one who embarks on a quest for something conceived of as sacred; a traveler of literal travels or of spiritual and healing journeys. A WITNESS is a close observer; one who can give a firsthand account of something seen, heard, or experienced; one who furnishes evidence or serves as a sign; one who is to be present at or have personal knowledge of; one who can testify to.
For many who feel they go one step forward in the Lord and then two steps backward, be encouraged. I sense the Lord saying, "I count the one foot forward and two steps backward as forward progress." In football, when the team needs one yard for a first down and the player carries the ball forward one yard yet gets pushed back two yards, it's still marked as a first down. They call this forward progress and so does the Lord. He counts your one step forward, not your steps back. I'm convinced that many who feel like quitting are actually making progress.
"Break up your unplowed (fallow) ground and do not sow among thorns. Circumcise yourselves to the Lord, and take away the foreskins of your heart, you men of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem" (Jer. 4:3b-4a). As we head into 2019, we must comprehend the season that we're about to enter. According to 1 Chronicles 12:32, the children of Issachar were men who understand times (seasons) and were able to know what Israel should do next. I believe that these types of prophets exist now and can speak as an oracle of God, so that we may be provided with divine direction. Some things that we hear, in reference to declarations for the impending year, come from a fleshy or sensual place, instead of the Holy Spirit.
"If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!" Matthew 7:11 Our enemy the devil is well aware that the moment you learn to receive God's grace, you will start to reign in life. So he has been working hard to prevent you from receiving the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness. The devil has been using controversy as a device down through church history to prevent believers from having access to the most powerful truths of God.