The Lord has given me several dreams the past few weeks. A few nights ago I dreamt of a prominent minister who many of you are familiar with. In this dream I was watching him on an old black and white TV. As he was standing at the edge of the platform he had a word of knowledge. A lady quickly walked across the stage towards him. He yelled to her "Get out of here." She walked over to him and pushed him backwards off the stage. I then lost reception on the TV. I was wondering if the program was live. I then scrolled though the channels but just got static and was not able to tune the picture back in.
I hear the Holy Spirit say, "Get ready to step into courage like never before." There is mighty move of the Spirit of God that is taking place in the body of Christ right now where the Lord is breaking the containment and confinement in the body of Christ and leading His people into greater places of courage. God is breaking the chains, God is breaking the boxes, God is breaking the confinements. This is happening on many levels and in many different ways in the body of Christ right now. It has begun but it is going to majorly increase. The tidal wave of His Spirit and His power is going to come crashing in like we have never seen before and Acts 4:31 and Joshua 1:9 are going to manifest and explode throughout the body of Christ with significant increase. 
What is the beginning of having the life you desire? The very first step is to know you have the power. This is the very first thing I desire my clients to know. You, and only you, have the power to change you. Deep within you are the resources to the life you want, and you can discover and uncover those resources. As a matter of fact, you can pull them right out of yourself. I am reminded of the story of Eve's creation. Eve was created to be a resource for Adam. God had said it was not good for man to be alone. The Divine caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep, and then took from Adam a rib to create Eve. After Eve's creation, Adam said she was bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh. 
Sometimes, the best things take time. Lots of time. Even as we hope for those "suddenlies" and miraculous successes, the reality is that God often calls us to persevere for the long haul. It's at these times of seeming inactivity in the midst of the battle that our faith is truly tested. Not the amount of faith, but the kind of faith required to change a generation. It is a persevering faith that contends for something much bigger than the battle at hand. While we can ponder and pray into another word for the Year, God is looking for those with the faith to believe something for the next 10 or 20. Can we champion something that may take years to establish? Can we dare to be the ones who wait before the Lord, patiently keeping the fire burning and the vision alive so that those who follow us can live and walk in the promises we've been given?
At the end of every year I ask God for revelation concerning the coming year. For 2019 He spoke to me, "Expect the unexpected." The biblical account of the life of Elijah is filled with the unexpected. There were unexpected confrontations, unexpected provisions, unexpected angelic and divine visitations, unexpected victories, and even unexpected defeats. All these unexpected events happened because of an initial confrontation. Elijah directly confronted King Ahab and declared that there would be no rain except at Elijah's word.
2019 is going to be a time of accelerated breakthrough! I decree over you today that it's going to be breakthrough upon breakthrough upon breakthrough, in Jesus name. It will be a time of acceleration. Things are going to move faster and faster. Get ready for God to move suddenly! This is going to be a season of many suddenlies. Suddenly healing will be upon you. Suddenly your breakthrough will happen. Suddenly that financial provision and miracle will come through. Suddenly a new door will open for you. Suddenly a divine connection will take place. Mal 3:1, Acts 2:2, Acts 16:26 God is repositioning people for the next season. Don't be surprised by the transitions and changes that happen or have happened recently in your life. God is positioning people in the right place, at the right time, for His divine plan to unfold in your life. 
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. 1 John 4:18 Fear is a destructive bondage. Fear paralyzes you and prevents you from fulfilling the amazing destiny that God has for you. Fear makes you feel inadequate and insecure, and comes with unhealthy side effects ranging from panic attacks to sleep disorders. Fear is irrational. Fear is a spiritual condition, which is why you can't reason fear away. You can't simply tell someone who is struggling with fear and gripped by panic attacks to just stop being fearful. A spiritual condition cannot be remedied naturally. Fear can be eradicated only by a personal encounter with the person of Jesus.
This is a season for the resurrection of things believed to be dead. Because you're reading this, it tells me that certain things are true about your life. There are things, relationships, dreams, and/or hopes that have died. For some of you it's because you gave up hope due to life's circumstances, and for others you felt as if these dreams, hopes/situations were violently murdered. I've lived through both, so I know your pain. I know what it's like to have prayed for something, pleaded with God, and believed with every fiber of my being that God was going to come through and then the devastation when it seemed he didn't. 
Now to Him who is able to do superabundantly more than all that we dare ask or think [infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes, or dreams], according to the power that is at work within us. Ephesians 3:20 What is the power working on the inside of you that allows God to do far beyond that which you could dare ask, think, or imagine? This power is resident within every believer. It is the spirit of faith. What is the spirit of faith? It is believing with your heart and then speaking with your mouth the things, which you believe. This is the same spirit that Joshua and Caleb exercised that allowed them to enter the Canaan land, while those who refused to believe God's word died in the wilderness and never fulfilled their calling or purpose.
I think there can be confusion on some Bible passages. We look for the most "logical" meaning in the moment, but sometimes we need to do more digging, in our hearts and in our understandings, to understand certain passages. I've always known that going "the narrow way" meant I had to say no to some things. I had to thin down, clean out, move things over to a subordinate position, and even give things up. But is all that "thinning out" a permanent thing of less and less for me? Not really, not fully. I feel that I have come to an increased understanding on this. A lot of things were first written to the society of the times, which mostly was an agrarian (farmer related) one and thus the many references to those times. Early pre-king David was a keeper of sheep, or we'd say, a shepherd. He spent many hours in the field tending the sheep and entertaining himself and studying the sheep, and thinking about God!