I was listening to a radio program the other day while driving in my car and the pastor teaching said two main things.  He said salvation and regular church attendance go together and that Christians don't evangelize enough or share their faith. He claimed the average Christian has never led anyone to Christ.  First, I would like to say that you are not saved by attending a church.  Yes, if you are saved you should try attending a church but if you don't attend a church contrary to what the pastor says it does not mean you are not saved.  
Years ago, the Lord made it clear to me that what He speaks to me isn't merely for me alone. Yes, He frequently talks to me as a personal friend and we chat about private matters but even in the midst of those chats when He brings about revelation to me, there is something within it that can be passed along to others for their inspiration also. I don't always share every word publicly as there are some, which are given in regards for sharing more on a relational level amongst a more intimate setting as with well-known friends. 
Over the last few weeks the Lord has been speaking things to me like, "case closed" and about the definitive deliverance of God. I have been hearing Him speak about things the enemy has used against God's people over and over again. The Lord is decreeing, "case closed." I have been hearing Him say, "legal grounds" that the enemy has found in the lives of believers are being dealt with through repentance and healing. There is a definitive deliverance and victory manifesting in the lives of believers right now, as the Lord is moving powerfully. 
So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ. Romans 10:17, NASB Have you ever felt like you needed more faith? Have you ever looked at yourself and told yourself that if you just had more faith, you would see your financial breakthrough or healing? My friend, I have good news for you today: faith is not a struggle. The Scriptures show us that the hearing of faith and the works of the law are total opposites (see Gal. 3:2, 5). And since the works of the law are about our self-efforts, there is no self-effort in faith.
Be careful taking just one sin and hanging all the problems of mankind and the world on just that one sin! There are trends and fads that happen, even in the Church. America is not right before the LORD but not because of just one sin! Some sins, as it pertains to living life, are worse than others. Stealing is bad, but murder is obviously worse. That does not make stealing okay, because it too is a hurting thieving spirit that robs and harms others. Not taking time to rest and regroup and consider the Lord does not just harm you but also those around you, because you are not on your best (and blessed) game, or posture. Not honoring your parents or marriage with your spouse and thus affecting Godly order can create chaos, being destructive to other families too, and to the children and even the workplace.
Are you feeling like change is in the air? In my latest prophetic word, I shared that there will be no more delays starting in the month of May. Many of us have been asking God for promotions, new revelation, alignment, etc. Things that have been holding you back in the past are now going to shift so you can break through! If you're feeling a little uncertain with all the shifting going on, the Lord wants to encourage you today. Elijah was a prophet in the Bible. One day, God instructed him to have a meeting with a King named Ahab to let him know there would be no rain for the next few years (1 Kings 17:1). Three years later, God told Elijah to tell Ahab that rain was finally coming.
You can be free from every lie the enemy has ever tried to tell you about you! The enemy works overtime to distort and hinder people's identity. If he can hinder your identity, he can hinder your destiny. Your life, actions, behavior, and relationships all flow out of your inward identity. Identity is formed by how you think and feel about yourself. The enemy doesn't play fair. He often starts early in a person's life to try to shape and influence their identity in a negative way. He especially targets children. I believe schoolyard bullying is demonic at its root. The reason a child is singled out by the enemy is because of the amazing destiny on that child's life.
As we have prayed recently for multiple people in the natural being affected in the area of word recall, God began to gentle nudge me that this is representing a prayer He has for His whole body. This is a time for word recall! To recall has several definitions according to Oxford, some of which include: bring (a fact, event, or situation) back into one's mind; remember; officially order (someone) to return to a place; bring (someone) out of a state of inattention or reverie. These are three things God is doing right now. First, God is bringing to mind or causing us to remember. These words or testimonies or struggles that He’s causing us to remember are not on accident. As you notice things coming to mind again and again, ask God for illumination about what He wants you to recall or learn about HIM in these instances or about the way He works in your life. 
Healing is not an impartation but an activation of the energy-anointing already inside you. Dear friends and ministry partners, I am so thrilled to announce the upcoming release of my thirty-eighth book, HEALING: Energy, The Bible, Science, and You.  In what I truly believe is the most comprehensive book ever written on the subject of divine, spiritual healing, I share with the world for the first time a revelation I received years ago concerning how to be healed.  You and I have been called to be agents of healing within this physical realm of earth, and in order to do that demands that we begin to master the power we each possess to heal and to be healed.  This book is not just for the sick in body but is also for every seeker and for every lover of God who desires fresh revelation on the gift of healing.  This is a book that I highly recommend. 
The greatest thing you can do for yourself is to believe in yourself. While this may seem elementary, many find it nearly impossible to believe in their own ability to achieve. Of course, this is a self-image, which has been created over time. Very often, it is created due to failure, disappointments, and hurts. Many just seem to find it extremely difficult to let go of the past. They are dragging their past around like a huge weight chained to their ankle. Their past slows them down and immobilizes them by a self-image of doubt instead of faith. Without faith, no one can cultivate a life of joy and self-fulfillment.