Many want to go forward in the Lord but find that they are put in a box (or form) that is not who they really are. Now to some degree, we all have places that tell us things are not right. You have to expect some changes in your life, many which are not planned, but you also have to find that place of established peace of soul rest, and rest in the Lord. It's the place of the anointing, the place where you can pray and find answers. You grow it, you mature in it even, so that you can get in the Spirit quickly and easily.
Trusting the process isn't ever easy, as a general rule. As humans, we are naturally wired, and even socially conditioned, to try to take matters into our own hands. We desperately cling to the notion that if we can control every input, then we can control the output. Fortunately for us, life doesn't happen in a vacuum. Things are dynamic, circumstances are fluid, and change is the only constant. This can be unnerving as we are striving to control our own journey.
We are in a time of preparation for some amazing times that are just ahead. Though it seems like things are uncertain, we must gain a heavenly perspective to overcome the attacks that are active all over the world. You can be sure that the disasters and difficult times we are seeing are not from God. These things are from Satan and the forces of darkness that are trying to discourage you from the breakthrough that is about to happen. Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe. Hebrews 12:28 NIV
Genesis 1:26-27 "Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth." So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them." We see in the beginning that God created man in His own image and likeness. Before the fall of man Adam and Eve reflected that image of God in fullness. They walked in the Presence of God, not having a "self-awareness" in the sense of having to fix themselves.
This week I heard the Lord say "I am breaking the ceilings and releasing a divine sealing!" There are things that have been containing many of God's people for a long time and they continue to come up against this ceiling. It's as if the "ceiling" continues to scream "This far and no further." The Lord showed me that in many different ways right now He is breaking the ceiling. He is going after the very things that are stopping you from growing, that are stopping you from arising, that are stopping you from increasing, that are stopping you from soaring. The Lord is going after the ceilings that are continually battling against your ascending.
"If you only knew the gift God has for you and who you are speaking to, you would ask me, and I would give you living water. Anyone who drinks this water [from the well] will soon become thirsty again. But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life." John 4:10, 13–14 NLT John 4 tells the story of a shunned Samaritan woman who encountered Jesus when she came to draw water at a well. When she asked Jesus why He (a Jew) would ask her (a despised Samaritan) for a drink of water, this was His amazing response:
The Lord shared a message with me for some of you. These are His words: My Beloved, You are going to walk tall and tell your story. Many need to hear it. They need to know how My grace has helped carry you through. It will give them hope and encourage them in their own lives. I know you're worried about how people will respond to you when they hear the truth of what you've gone through, but you are going to be surprised by their loving reception. It will touch some people's hearts so much, they will want to thank you for your honesty and courage, and ask you to pray for them; it will minister to the deep places inside of them.
My prayer for you is that you would receive a "holy hunger" for intimacy with God. I believe God is going to pour out this gift according to your measure of hunger, according to your desperation. Holy hunger goes hand-in-hand with God's desire to help you stir up and awaken your passion for Him. God deserves our love more than anything in this world. He is worthy. Listen, at his very moment, Jesus Christ is preparing a place for use in our Father's house. We're going to be with Him forever (John 14:2,3). Therefore, it's time to make ourselves ready, even as a bride would get ready for her wedding day and her husband-to-be.
I looked up from the book I was reading at the wall in front of me and the shelves flanking my left and right. Thousands and thousands of books surrounded me, innumerable words and ideas. The thought occurred to me, "What do I really have to say?" I gazed down at the book I was holding and remembered the author passed away recently. Contained in the pages were words she decided had to be said, and now I'm left with her story, though her life ended. If this were my last blog post, and this three and a half year streak of weekly writings were to end abruptly, and all that was left were these last words, what would I want you to know?
My emotions used to be very well-hidden, buried under more than 250 pounds of flesh. I never wanted them to raise their ugly heads or be noticeable in public. I just wanted them to stay put and act nice, not get all in a wad where I'd have to deal with them. I've learned, though, that life is messy so we might as well feel it. But that lesson was a long time coming. I have always valued what I know much more than what I feel. Many times though, actually most of the time, my behaviors ruled me. For years, my emotions were partnering with the evil one to end my physical existence on this earth. I was allowing the thief to steal, kill and destroy me (see John 10:10) He really has no authority to do this unless I allow him to, but because he was plying me with sweets, I fell right into his trap.