Taste and see that the Lord is good.  Blessed is the man who trusts in Him and makes His abode in Him. Rest in the faithfulness of the Lord Jesus Christ.  He is always there with you leading you and guiding you into all truth.  He is the fullness of all grace and truth.  He enables you to walk in His perfect will as you lean upon Him and depend on Him. There is never a thing He would ever ask you to do He would not give you the enabling, the grace, to do it.
After surrendering sugar and learning how to go forward, I began losing weight and keeping it off. I was finally headed in the right direction and had processed and dealt with many things that had held me back on my journey. Then, I hit what felt like a brick wall. I was at the 200 mark and I so wanted to go into "onederland." I had been steadily losing weight, but when I would see 199, I would panic. I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong.I was exercising. I was eating all the right things and none of the wrong things, but I just couldn't stay at 199. The next day I'd be back to 200 and I would feel myself internally breathe a sigh of relief. It felt a lot like the Romans 7:19 conundrum. "The good I desire to do, I do not do, but the evil I do not want is what I do."
Sometimes, it seems like things just aren't going our way. We pray and have others pray alongside us. We read scriptures and declare what we seek. We go to our respective services, religious or otherwise, and sometimes utilize fasting as an approach. All these things sound and are great on the surface. I am sure many of us have tried some combination of these things and, if we are honest, have all been frustrated when we are not seeing results. Perhaps you have had thoughts like, "Maybe it's just God's will for this situation to never change," or "It was selfish for me to believe for a new car (or money or whatever) anyway."
Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, "Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree"), that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles in Christ Jesus, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. Galatians 3:13–14 God's blessings are part of our inheritance in the new covenant of grace, which Jesus died to give us. God's Word tells us that, "Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us...that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles in Christ Jesus, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith."
This is the start of the Jewish New Year and a new season spiritually. This year, the Lord is releasing favor for those who have suffered. Even though it has seemed that things have been delayed, the Lord is going to fulfill His promises to you. I continue to hear the Lord say to not be discouraged with the delays because they have been needed to help prepare us for the great things coming. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay. Habakkuk 2:3 NIV
Let's walk into the New Year and the new season, prophesying to our dry, dead bones and calling them to live in the victory He designed for us. I was in worship and prayer when I heard the Lord say, "I am reviving dry bones." I saw the valley of bones. The bones were scattered around. The Lord continued to say that in the valley, shackles and chains have been broken off; deliverance has been received. You've been in the valley, but the valley has been a time of purification.
Work, work, work! Hurry, hurry, hurry! Hustle, hustle, hustle! Give, give, give! Go, go, go! Do, do, do! Produce, produce, produce! Look, look, look! See, see, see! Act, act, act! Activity can be a virtue, or a hyped up mode of operating, but what happened with just taking time with the Lord so that you can HEAR the still small Voice? People don't do that today like they used to. Too much of even Christianity is a hustle.
People who tell stories engage us. Leaders who tell us our story move us. We lead people into their greatness when we connect them with their own story – it's a prophetic process – that you can do. People, organizations, corporations, and nations that are great are that way for a reason. They have connected the dots to the reason for their existence. Organizations or people that exist merely for themselves aren't worth leading. Idolatry of self is the biggest "miss" of our age. We all long for purpose – a reason to invest our lives in something bigger than ourselves. The good news is that we each carry a story that God has written in our hearts; it's a storybook that is transformational!
When we live a life that draws its energy and validation from the quality of our ongoing performance it is very likely that we will spend most, if not all of our time, fixing problems instead of creating something original and new. A great example that shows the difference between these two approaches is what Apple did with the Mac. When the time came to create a Mac they didn't set out to improve or make a product that would somehow fix or get rid of the problems that the existing PC laptops in the market had. Instead, they sat down and aimed to create something that would give us an experience that no other PC laptop user ever had.
Scripture teaches us in Isaiah 45:15 that God hides Himself. This means that He does not reveal Himself to casual seekers – truly it is the glory of God to conceal things but the glory of kings to search things out (Proverbs 25:2), hence it is a royal and noble task to plumb the depths of the knowledge and glory of God! Diamonds are usually not found on the surface of the earth – they have to be sought out and dug up out of the earth. If they were easily found they would be common and as worthless and common rock and dirt. So, how does a person find God and to whom does He disclose Himself?