All of my kids' birthdays are important to me (I'm an enneagram 7, we celebrate errythang y'all), but my oldest child's birthday (which just passed) holds special significance to me because of the circumstances surrounding his birth. I'm in a storytelling mood today, so buckle up and put on your grown up britches today because I want to share about a time in my life that was a HOT mess. Most people who only know TODAY Amber are shocked at where I came from. I've been asked throughout my ministry to tone it down or to develop a G rated version of my testimony, but I WILL NOT. ***Consider that your trigger warning.***
Stretch your faith to some degree all the time! Sometimes, God helps you to do it when you weren't even planning to do it. It's really all working for your good!!!  (See Romans 8:28)  And for the good of the Body of Christ at large. If you keep looking for Him in it, He will show up!  It's not always easy! But it works, because this is the blessing of the righteous! Keep telling God how good He is!  Not because you are using flattery but you are telling Him in praise and reminding yourself!  It will help you accept the greater works.  Through this we also learn what and how to bind and to loose. We learn to declare, we learn how to receive (so that we can hold on to it), and we learn how to be the head and not the tail.
"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." (2 Corinthians 5:17 KJV) Entering into this brand New Year and into this brand new decade, you've been given a choice and all of Heaven and Earth are crying out to remind you of the power you've been given. This is such an exciting time to be alive and such a wonderful time to be in the Kingdom.  I've recently finished my latest book The New Season is Coming, now available worldwide wherever books are sold, and in it I share a powerful revelation concerning this brand new season of your life.
The following are the compelling stories of some of the primary people connected to the genealogy and birth of Jesus. What I respect so much about the Bible is the honesty sacred writ has related to not whitewashing the sordid history of some of their most important figures that contributed to redemption history. Matthew 1:10 says, "Hezekiah was the father of Manasseh, Manasseh the father of Amon, and Amon the father of Josiah." Hezekiah was the great king who started a revival of faith by reinstituting the feast of Passover (see 2 Chr. 30:13-16), which pointed to the crucifixion of Jesus.
Have you ever wondered why some people don't break through? No matter how hard they try... it just doesn't happen. I believe that by going into the New Year with the same old "To do" list as you had last year, you are settling for mediocrity. (I know, ouch.) If there were but one truth for success that I could share you with, it would be this message: Many people are overwhelmed and stretched too thin. We live absurd lives trying and trying – but are stressing out. Stress. Stress. Stress. This once -- I don't want to make a New Year's list of MORE to do! I am on a personal and selective search for less and better.
I woke up from a dream yesterday that was simple in content but felt very meaningful. In the dream I had ordered a cake. It was decorated beautifully when I went to pick it up. All of a sudden a bakery employee rushed up to "fix" the cake and ended up globbing sloppy colored icing all over the top. It completely covered what I knew was beautiful underneath. She kept insisting it was how it was supposed to be. 
Unless a corn of wheat falls to the ground and dies, a harvest of much fruit cannot come forth. Listen closely, My people, to what I have to say to you for this is a time of rejoicing. Do not look with your eyes but with your heart for in the coming days I will produce a harvest, never before has beheld, the magnitude that I will bring forth, a harvest that will cover the earth. My people, the manifest sons of God, will march across the land in victory with a message of hope of great magnitude that will draw the lost unto My Son.
Fear is a four-letter word that starts with "F!" This simple little word, fear, is the root of so much pain in the world. You've most likely been affected by it through things like stress, procrastination or worry. It is interesting to me that the Bible says things like "fear not" or "do not be afraid" over 365 times! That's like God telling you not to be afraid every day of the year! So, getting rid of fear must be important! Many of us even feel the sting of fear because we're trying to be perfect all the time. But there are a few places in the Bible where we're encouraged to be perfect—and it's not what you expect!
As we entered into a new decade and New Year, the Lord spoke to very clearly to me saying that the season of dryness, barrenness and desolation, spiritually speaking has come to an end. He reminded me of the story of the prophet in 1 Kings 18:41-46 (NKJV): Then Elijah said to Ahab, "Go up, eat and drink; for there is the sound of abundance of rain." So Ahab went up to eat and drink. And Elijah went up to the top of Carmel; then he bowed down on the ground, and put his face between his knees, and said to his servant, "Go up now, look toward the sea." So, he went up and looked, and said, "There is nothing." And seven times he said, "Go again."
Depression is an emotional ailment that attacks millions worldwide. It can be referred to as a serious mental illness that inflicts a person's mind and emotions. It is a good thing, in the name of overcoming this problem, this topic is hitting the news and coming to the forefront. So, what's next for us as believers in battling it? As the topic of depression and mental illness is coming forth, we should be praying and interceding for the people afflicted. We should be praying for ministry leaders to receive revelation from the Holy Spirit on how to conquer this affliction. We need to be assisting people to and through freedom and deliverance.