Holy Desperation - The Well Christian vs the Fountain Christian Part 2 by Todd Bentley

By Todd Bentley
What are you going to do when all the wells are stopped up? What are you going to do when all the wells run dry? If you're a well, if you're a source, you don't have to worry about it. You've got to be able to be deep enough that when the wells dry up, when there's no dew, when there's no rain, when there's no fountain, when there's famine in the land, when there's drought—you've got to learn how to be close enough to God. For those that are close enough to Him even in the time of famine, He's got a brook. In the midst of the famine, if you're close enough to God and you know how to be deep with God, He'll bring you to your own brook and He'll feed you.
Holy Desperation - The Well Christian vs the Fountain Christian Part 2 by Todd Bentley
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What are you going to do when all the wells are stopped up? What are you going to do when all the wells run dry? If you're a well, if you're a source, you don't have to worry about it. You've got to be able to be deep enough that when the wells dry up, when there's no dew, when there's no rain, when there's no fountain, when there's famine in the land, when there's drought—you've got to learn how to be close enough to God. For those that are close enough to Him even in the time of famine, He's got a brook. In the midst of the famine, if you're close enough to God and you know how to be deep with God, He'll bring you to your own brook and He'll feed you.
Look at the Welsh Revival. God raised up John Evan Roberts. He was a powerful instrument in the hand of God for revival for two years. Thousands would flock to his meetings and line up hours before the service. Evan Roberts was a well. He said, "I'm not going to wait for any other fountains. I'm not going to wait for any other wells. I'm going to be a well." Everyone knew that Evan Roberts was a well. They knew they could come, and they knew they could drink. They knew that he was deep, and they knew he was the source. They knew that he was a fire starter.
It was the same with Jonathan Wesley. In the '40s and '50s, God raised up many wells. They were healing wells. People would come by the thousands and pack into those tents and be healed by the power of Jesus. Why? Because Oral Roberts, Jack Cole, and many of the people of that day learned how to be the source.
I Remember
Jeremiah 2:2-3, "Thus says the Lord. 'I remember you, the kindness of your youth, the love of your betrothal, when you went after Me in the wilderness, in a land not sown. Israel was holiness to the Lord, the first fruits of His increase. All that devour him will offend; disaster will come upon them,' says the Lord."
What was happening? God was saying to His church, "I remember you. I remember the kindness of your youth. I remember when you had passion. I remember when you loved Me and you were lovesick for Me. I remember your covenant. I remember your loyalty. I remember when you were faithful to Me. I remember when you were holiness unto Me."
Then He says this in verse 13, "For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters, and hewn themselves cisterns—broken cisterns that can hold no water." What was God saying?
God said, "You've allowed yourselves to be broken. You've allowed yourselves to become a leaky vessel. You've allowed yourselves to no longer be a source. You've allowed yourselves to no longer be a well because you're now broken and you're now a leaky vessel because of your sin. Your second evil was you've forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters."
How did they forsake the fountain of living waters? They lost their passion. They lost their fire. They lost the kindness of the youth. They lost being loyal to God. They lost being faithful. They lost. God says, "I remember when you went after Me. You went after Me even in the wilderness."
That's what He was saying. He says, "Because you lost that passion, you lost that fire that was inside of you. You went after Me in the wilderness. You chased Me down. Now you've forsaken the living water because you lost that passion. You lost that ability. You lost that faithfulness. You lost that fire. Now because of your sin, you're nothing but a broken vessel."
Now, the Holy Spirit spoke to me about memorial stones. In the Bible, every time somebody had a mighty manifestation and visitation of God or God did something big, they were to set up stones that were called markers and memorial stones so that the children in the generations to come would see those stones, and they would remember the visitation of their fathers.
Go for God
We can revisit those memorial stones and re-dig up the wells of our fathers, re-dig up the anointings that were upon the lives of those that have gone on before us, but we are going to have to dig in prayer. We are going to have to dig in the area of intercession. Those wells are still out there. There are still spiritual memorial stones and markers saying, "Remember. Remember G.L. Moody."
G.L. Moody said, "It's amazing what God can do with one man or one woman who'll be fully committed to Him." Remember that memorial stone. Remember what God can do with you. You'll become hardcore. You'll become radical. You'll become crazy. You'll become sold out. You'll live on the edge for Jesus. God will change nations through just you.
Go for God. Dig up wells of healing. Dig up wells of revelation. Dig up wells of the prophetic. Some of you are wells of salvation. People are going to come and drink and get saved through your life. Dig it up. Seek the face of God for the anointing of evangelism. Dig it up with fasting. Dig up your well. Be a well of salvation. Be a well of deliverance. Be a well of revival. Be a well of prayer.
I want you to get a hold of that flame. I want you to get a hold of that fire so that you'll begin to go after God and you'll begin to dig. You won't be satisfied. God wants to put fight inside of you to chase the devil out the door. You run him out of your city. You chase him out of your life and give no place to the devil. You slam the door on his head.
God is Going to Fill You Up
You violently take heaven. You aggressively destroy the works of the devil. You fight against sickness. You fight against disease. You fight against death as if it was a demon itself, which most of the time it is. You cast out devils. You lay hold of their necks and you wring them out into the dry places. You don't play around with demons.
How are you ever going to have a ministry of healing if you haven't dug up your healing well yet? How are you ever going to have a ministry of the prophetic if you haven't dug up your water canal of the prophetic yet? God fills the ditches. God fills the water canals. God fills only the places that have been dug. How much have you dug? How much have you sowed into the call of God in your life?
You never know when God's about to fill you up. You never know when God's about to release you into your calling. You never know when it's time for your ministry, but you better make sure that you are prepared in prayer now and that you built up the highway and dug up the canals that you're going to need to hold that water. Make the valley full of ditches. Halleluiah.
Todd Bentley

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