Understanding the love walk can greatly reduce the stress in your life. Keep reading to find out more...I'm going to give you 3 LIFE KEYS that can change everything. As we look at the LOVE LIST below from 1 Cor 13 we will evaluate how our love walk is doing. I know I evaluated mine. And to be honest, in the moment I wasn't doing too good in some of them. But I was able to make a great course correction!
We have all been given the measure of faith that we need to accomplish the goals that God has given us to do.  Some have the faith to run towards the giants like King David.  Some have the faith to go out and reap the harvest of souls.  Some have the faith to be the troops that have the gifts of helps, mercy, and grace to lift the spirits of those being wounded. Some feel they should stay in their caves and pray and cover those who are out in the war zone.  Whatever we are called to do we must stay united and back each other up and not hinder their mission because you might not understand how they can have the courage to go out and do what they do.
I was taken in a dream, in a vision of the night, on April 4, 2020, into another realm.  Jesus took me on His rounds as He visited with the Covid-19 patients in a very large facility, perhaps like the Javits Center in New York.  I walked between the beds with Him and He answered my questions about many things as we went.  I was observing at the same time, the things He was doing.  Jesus was checking on patients and He was standing by their beds as they passed into eternity.  
No matter how hard we try; we can't make ourselves be someone else. Incentives, discipline, and accountability won't cure your personality and calling. There's nothing wrong with your design! God likes you the way He created you. Conformity to the expectations of others is not His goal. You are unique. John 12:43 NIV ...they loved praise from men more than praise from God. Our hearts are transformed when we have a good reason – the purpose God wrote in our hearts. Change doesn't come from changing our mindset and redoubling our effort. Change happens when we align our hearts with its purpose. Momentum comes when we realize that its God's purpose too; that heaven is co-laboring with us.
We are living in unprecedented times in our global history. With illness and economic pressures ravishing the globe, it's easy to lose hope. Life feels like a wilderness. In Numbers 21, we find an interesting story that I feel has profound lessons for us in this hour in our history. The children of Israel had been wandering in the wilderness. Barrenness for as far as the eye could see. No water. No vegetation. No change in sight. The people had been traveling over the hot sands and felt desperate for water.
Lamentations 3:22-24, It is because of the Lord's mercy and loving-kindness that we are not consumed, because His [tender] compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great and abundant is Your stability and faithfulness. The Lord is my portion or share, says my living being (my inner self); therefore will I hope in Him and wait expectantly for Him. I love this passage of scripture because it reminds me that my God has set aside a portion, an inheritance for me. But how can we claim and lay hold of our portion if we do not know what rightfully belongs to us through the finished work of the cross?
"Trust God" is what I have been hearing in the spiritual realm for weeks. When I look up, I see the words "Trust God." I don't know what He is calling us to trust Him for, but I know He is calling us to trust. In my prayer time, I see "Trust God." I have been wondering what He wants us to trust Him for. I'm continually prophetically meditating on the words "trust God." The warning is coming as if something is approaching, as if there is something going to happen in which He needs us to trust Him.
I believe that the condition of the Church is the genuine concern during this global crisis. The location of where we meet corporately is really up for the Lord to direct. We can move a meeting around from one location to another but if the condition doesn't change, it's all the same. So what is the Lord wanting? Is He wanting to take us out of buildings? I hardly think that is the case. In some instances it may happen and may be necessary. Although, I think we need to not look at the circumstantial effects as the purpose. Rather, we need to look at what the Lord is saying in all of this.
I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life, which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. Galatians 2:20 As we press deeper into the power of right believing, I want to show you practical ways in which you can be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Right believing is all about renewing your mind and uprooting the wrong beliefs that shape your thinking and behavior.
It is natural for people to respond to situations with "What can I do to deal with this or help to deal with it?" and if we are Christian, to ask God "What do I need to do?" We were told to "Occupy till He comes," so we aren't always just kids waiting to be told what to do, yet we should listen for His Voice! Some have "vivid imaginations" and come up with things that He or others have said. It seems to be a human tendency. Most of us are the result of a reward system in our past where we are rewarded (or not rewarded) for certain behaviors.