This is a season of preparation and reprogramming for the next season that God has for us. The Book of Romans says do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. (Romans 12:1-2) Spend time with Him in this season so he can show you those things that he wants to do in and through you in the next. With everything is going on right now easily get distracted. Don't miss what God is trying to do in this moment. The fact is that God is not shocked by any of the things that happen in this world.
God wants to impart into you like fresh morning rain. Some of you have been dry and weary. You have felt like giving up, is what I am hearing the Lord say. He says, "Don't give up." This could be your finest hour. The warfare has been unbelievable and intense. You have had a rough season of trying to press through for your breakthrough. But God says there is a bright rainbow, His covenant promise, waiting for you on the other side.
Philippians 4:13 (TPT) paraphrasing, "I am trained in the secret of overcoming all things. I find that the strength of Christ's explosive power infuses me to conquer every difficulty." What does it mean to possess an overcoming spirit? According to Philippians 4:13 in the Strong's Concordance it means, "Engaging the Resistance." This refers to the Lord strengthening you and I with combative, confrontative force to achieve all He gives faith for. This is, facing necessary resistance that brings what the Lord defines is success.
Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us°Ephesians 3:20 KJV When we hear talk of "The Force," our minds think of a galaxy far, far away and imagine the sci-fi blockbuster Star Wars. But what if I were to tell you that there's truly even a greater "force" at work within our faith when we believe? I've just finished by newest book ENERGY: Where Is God In It? and it's in many ways a follow-up to the international bestseller HEALING: Energy, the Bible, Science, and You, delving even deeper into the mysterious, powerful realm of the "energy" of faith than ever before.
During this time in the world, we have to make it our mission to remain positive in the world of uncertainty. What is it that we can say to see change happen right now? I want to encourage you to be "God Positive!" When we know there is victory in God's word, we will be positive and speak what He says. We have to remember to speak what God says and follow His direction.
Our society's emphasis on performance is screaming at us to work, work, work. The pressure is on to make more money, to have more stuff, to save money for hard times, to do more and more and more. It's an easy trap to fall into. We feel we are forced to work two or three jobs just to support our families, but in financially supporting our families, we are not there for the love and support our children need. Then that morphs into even more issues. In the process, we have forgotten how to really rest and relax. God knew we'd have this problem, and that's exactly why He modeled for us what rest should look like.
Set apart. Chosen. Consecrated. Dan & I have recently been drawn to the Old Testament epic exodus story. You will remember many famous aspects of this drama such as the horrendous plagues brought upon the Egyptians, the totally miraculous parting of the Red Sea, the supernatural manna and quail feeding all the thousands and thousands of Israelites each day, and the water flowing from a rock. The list goes on and on. God does a lot in 40 years!
The world has changed so much over the last couple months, and many of the changes have made it more difficult to keep up with your normal health and wellness routines. Without those routines, you may not be feeling or looking your best, which is why you need these budget-savvy tips to keep yourself healthy and thriving in lockdown. The coronavirus pandemic has everyone a little more stressed out, which means that many people may be stress-eating more than usual.
Are you disturbed? While I was out doing my prayer walk this morning, I began to ask, "Am I disturbed, if so, why?" What are the kinds of disturbances in our lives? I see two kinds: The disturbance that which comes when we focus on our circumstances, which automatically moves us away from our "ignorance is bliss" mode and fall into challenge of reality. The disturbance that comes when God rocks our boat and disturbs our comfort zones in order to either re-direct us, or to get our attention.
"… I will turn their mourning into gladness; I will give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow." Jeremiah 31:13 NIV If you aren't familiar with Pentecost, it coincides with the Jewish festival of the Feast of Weeks that takes place 7 weeks after Passover and Resurrection Sunday. For Christians, it also commemorates when the Holy Spirit filled God's people in Acts 2. This is an important time on God's calendar and one of the special times during the year when the heavens are open, making it easier to hear the Lord and receive power from Heaven.