We all know that feeling - waking up gasping for breath and beaded with perspiration from an intense dream. We wonder, "Did that dream mean something? Was that from God? Am I being warned of something?" If I told you that every thought that pops into our heads isn't always from God, most of you would readily agree. Often, we are more reticent to recognize that the same is true of our dreams. We do have those Holy Spirit-breathed revelations that come to us in dreams. We also have the dreams that bring fear, temptation and distortions from the enemy.
Most of us are familiar with the prophet Elijah. Some people think of him as an ecstatic wild looking prophet with eyes like a blazing fire. Well, Elijah was certainly quite unique, but the Lord used him in powerful ways. I want to share a prophetic word that the Holy Spirit gave me last year. He is raising up and placing His anointing on men and women who will run like Elijah. The Lord showed me racehorses standing at a gate ready to run a race. They were not just average horses, but they were thoroughbred horses that were equipped and groomed to run with speed and endurance.
What is truth? Where can we find it? I love words. So, I went to the dictionary to find out what truth means to people. It tells me that truth is five things. It is: 1. the body of real things, events, and facts; 2. the state of being the case; 3. a judgment, proposition, or idea that is true or accepted as true; 4. sincerity in action, character, and utterance; and 5. a transcendent fundamental or spiritual, God, the supreme ruler of ultimate reality. The problem we have today is that the first four definitions can be skewed as to what we want to think. Notice, what we think is not on the list of what truth is.
I'll never forget the time I was ministering in Mexico in a crusade. During the worship God spoke to my heart that He was going to open deaf ears. As I called it out over the crowd deaf ears began popping open. Then my team brought a young girl onto the platform. When they pulled back her hair, I saw that she had no ears at all. She just had two little holes in the side of her head. She was born without ears and without eardrums. How do you heal an ear when there is no ear there? When her feet touched the platform the power of God went through her body and God worked a creative miracle.
Historically, the people of God have always fared well amid adversity. The history of both Israel and the church has demonstrated how safety and prosperity took away their zeal. This resulted in them falling away from God (1 Kings; 2 Kings; Rev. 2:2-5; 3:17). As much as we don't like to hear it, God often allows adversity in our lives to motivate us to cling to Him and seek Him. During these extremely difficult times as it relates to the pandemic as well as global economic and political unrest, we should trust God to reveal His glory greater than ever before. This biblical principle is shown in Isaiah when he prophesied that when darkness covers the earth, the glory of God will be seen upon His people (Isa. 60:2).
It was one of those rare warm days here in New Jersey. I determined that I would get outside and enjoy a walk. The wind was blowing but had a southern feel, so it warmed my hands and heart. I am a warm-weather type of girl. I noticed the running water and the remaining ice as I glanced in the ditch. However, I also saw a patch of fresh green grass. I chuckled at the confused grass, green before its time, and knew it would soon feel the cold bite of winter as the warmth would not last.
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you. Psalm 32:8 NIV We will see a shift come as we get aligned with God's purposes for our lives. There is a major reformation at hand! The Lord is going to coach you through this season of transition and change. God has you covered. My times are in Your hand; deliver me from the hand of my enemies. Psalm 31:15 NKJV We are in a time that may feel out of control, but God still has you covered. He has not forgotten you and the promises of things to come still stand. I am the Lord; in its time I will do this swiftly. Isaiah 60:22 NIV
Have you ever been frustrated as to why someone hasn't changed? I know I have. The desire to tell someone, especially an unbeliever, how much better their life would be if they just did or didn't do something overwhelms our thoughts and at times comes out of our mouth. We attempt to be the change agent and become discouraged when the person does not quickly respond because we want the best for them. Unfortunately, this is one reason unbelievers do not associate with Christians: They feel judged.
The innate nature inside of all of us is to seek after and attain approval by man, to reach the bar of success that has been set by the world that is ultimately impossible to achieve. The desire to find approval in our work ability, hobbies, appearance, personality, intellect and so much more can leave one feeling inadequate based on a standard man has set. In the pop culture of the day, you may feel pressure to be, act or perform certain ways.
When we understand that dreams are a byproduct of the outpouring of God's Spirit and Presence, also understanding that it is one of the various means that God speaks to us, then it makes perfect sense that we would want a great outpouring of His Spirit in our lives. With that in mind let me share with you what has been very helpful to me in regard to having more Holy Spirit inspired dreams. Many of us have heard the phrase that "timing is everything." There is truth to this. Also understand that we live in a world that is on a time clock. There are windows of time that can be powerful for our lives.