The enemy's greatest and most strategic battlefield and often times the most successful, takes place within the realm our minds. If we can become discouraged enough or afraid enough to lose our perspective of who we have been transformed to be through the redemption of Jesus Christ, then the enemy has won the battle - temporarily. Losing our perspective usually takes place in times of continued discouragement or fear. Discouragement and fear are stemmed from deceptions from the enemy spoken into our thoughts, in attempt to exaggerate the problem into being bigger and more powerful than the promises of God. On the contrary, peace and joy are attributes of faith in God and His word. The enemy of our soul wants nothing less than for us to see ourselves as failures, outcasts, rejected, sick, poor, powerless, and unforgivable. Those are all lies to hinder us from the truth of who we really are.
I had no idea when I was young, that God would use my testimony, to change the lives of thousands of others. I vividly recall being spat on, picked on, abused, bullied and made fun of by other kids, and I felt as if my heart would break. I would run to my room crying, wondering why others saw me as nothing more than an object of contempt and ridicule when I had hopes, dreams, and plans for the future just like everyone else. I tried, calmly and rationally, to change the various things that provoked the ridicule - my hair, my clothes, the way I walked or spoke. But even then they always found something to criticize.
For about a week I've been having prophetic dreams, visions, and receiving word downloads. At first, I thought all that I was receiving was for me and my household until God revealed to me that it was for the body of Christ. The body of Christ has entered a place of weariness, and it would appear that there is no hope for restoration, but there is. In fact, many are experiencing a time of testing or realignment, and because more seems to be working against you, your adversary would have you to believe that you are losing the battle. Sometimes as believers, we have to step back and evaluate who's really running the show.
July is going to be a time of major changes. Things that God has promised you over the last few years are now going to start to take place very quickly.

There is going to be a blast of new sounds from Heaven over you that is going to open new doors, part the Red Sea, awaken dry bones and open your eyes and ears to hear in the spirit at a new level.
The other day I was trying to tell a friend of mine about something that I was going through, one of those things that in the natural seemed to make little sense, but yet it was very real in the experience.  I felt sensitive and raw and "hurt" and even vulnerable in some areas. As I tried to explain it, she (a very dear friend) only heard and sensed it as something that was "just a fear" and something I just needed to toughen up to and get over.  Now I definitely was ready to "get over it" and even "toughen up," but I felt a wounding that was more than just "emotional." I knew the wounding was more than just emotional, because strength had left me in some ways, and I felt attacked in my spirit.  My faith felt challenged.  Then I realized that there are a number of types of wounding, and this is an area not really understood well or even discerned fully.
In this season of unprecedented acceleration, breakthrough and release, I have been asking the Lord for His wisdom and discernment to move through this new day with grace, humility, integrity and purity. Today as I sat with the Lord, on July 7th, a crossover day, I felt the Lord speak to me about this new day of breaking forth. This is what I heard: My eyes are roaming and I am looking for those with laid down agendas. From the place of agendas laid down the winds of acceleration will pick up speed and rise and build by the power of My Spirit. Sudden structures (old systems or mindsets and things in people's hearts coming down to be reshaped in love to be extended to then catapult and birth the new wineskin and increase) will rise emanating My power and Glory that have been birthed from the seeds released, nurtured and cultivated from the place of intimacy.
Wilt thou not revive us again: that thy people may rejoice in thee? (Psalm 85:6). Come, and let us return unto the Lord: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up. After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight. Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the Lord: his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth (Hosea 6:1-3). Revival: a word that means different things to different people. Perhaps, rightly so. There are different types of revival. Personal revival. Spiritual revival. Even, political revival. Sometimes these various types of revival are so intertwined that they cannot be separated into neat, easy to understand packages.
I love the story of Manoah and his wife. They had been unable to give birth to a child. It was apparently their greatest desire in life. One day, an angel of God brought them good news: A child was to be born. I think one reason I identify with the story is the huge number of people in our ministry who have struggled with infertility. It's a huge hidden pain in the church. It's one reason we have always highlighted adoption and foster-parenting. But when Manoah's wife came to him with the news they were having a child, Manoah immediately did what happens to many men and women when they discover they are about to be parents. He grew up — literally — and he indicated this by what he did first. He prayed!
God is crying out, "I am for you!  I am not against you! I am with you!  I am not far away from you!  I am more real, more alive, and more at work in this world, than you can sometimes believe!" "I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth.  Can't you see and discern it, perceive it?  I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." Isaiah 43:19 We all know and can relate to a bible story or parable that begins with a voice of mercy and compassion crying out in the wilderness in those strange and desert-like, dangerous places where we least expect it but most need it.
A few months back, the Holy Spirit began to stir these words into my spirit and once again He has drawn me to them and quickened me to share them with His Body of Believers. "The sound of declaration, praise & worship that goes out from you in the natural may not sound to you as a fierce weapon of warfare - or as if penetrating into the realms of the supernatural, nor may it seem to you very powerful to your natural sense of hearing. Even so, be of no doubt, within the spiritual realm where authority is recognized and faith is the loudest, the most fierce and effectively penetrating sound of all, your words of declaration, your praise in the face of trials and your sweet, most holy form of worship - (that which is from your heart) - echoes; pierces and shakes through the heavenlies with the greatest, most beautiful and powerful force of sound that does more than you can see or hear with the natural perceptions.