The Lord is showing me that there are many people with troubled hearts. Some are full of confusion, some fear and some are even angry at God. There are some of you who have been offended which is causing bitterness and unforgiveness. The source of your dilemma is not from God but from the enemy. He is trying to steal, kill and destroy the plans and purposes that God has for your life. His aim is not at you personally, but he is trying to prevent you from advancing the kingdom of God. Your enemies are not people. Your enemies are the powers, principalities, rulers of darkness and wicked spirits in heavenly places. The spirit realm is real. You are in Covenant with the God who created the earth. Nothing is impossible with Him.
I woke up in the wee early hours of the morning hearing the words, "pursue and overtake." After meditating on these words for a while I realized that this was an actual quote from the scriptures. 1 Samuel 30:7-8 "Then David said to Abiathar the priest, Ahimelech's son, "Please bring the ephod here to me." And Abiathar brought the ephod to David. So David inquired of the Lord, saying, "Shall I pursue this troop? Shall I overtake them?" And He answered him, "Pursue, for you shall surely overtake them and without fail recover all." God is speaking to His people in this time to "purse and overtake" the enemy.
I have seen a vision in spirit of military tanks in the upper part of the Central United States somewhere. I feel like it is towards the eastern side of that region. I am not sure on the timing of what will happen but the vision has been burned into my spirit in a way that I can see them there in that region. I believe that something of a large caliber will happen that will cause the need to summon the U.S. Military to restrain and restore! I am sensing the release of a higher magnitude weapon being released upon the U.S. And I am hearing, " How could this have happened?
It was about this time six years ago when my husband left. Although in many ways I'm stronger and better, the repercussions still vibrate through my life. In the midst of something wonderful, I can feel the stirrings of fear seeping into my thoughts, the beat of insecurity pulsing through me, and the blending of sorrow and hurt spilling over my heart. Sometimes it comes at the oddest times; sometimes it almost makes perfect sense. The hurt and sorrow have dulled, but the insecurities and fear have not. If anything, at times, I think they have increased. And it drives me crazy! I don't want to live with the repercussions of someone else's actions—I have all the repercussions of my own actions to deal with, thank you very much.
"Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses. From the wilderness and this Lebanon even unto the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and unto the great sea toward the going down of the sun, shall be your coast." (Joshua 1:3-4) The obvious and literal application of this verse has to do with natural territory. I believe that this certainly applies to us in the natural sense, however we are going to delve a bit deeper into the spiritual application first. I love the visual imagery of the "sole of the foot treading upon," the idea that something is under our feet.
The Lord is calling forth the building of "Love Communities" within His church. Jesus declared that His people will be known by their love. This will accelerate in manifestation during the next five to ten years as drastic changes will be seen world-wide in church model and structure. Believers will learn to "do life together" and relationship will become more important and carry more value than attending a service. This does not minimize the value of gathering together but the heart of many gatherings will change to become more interactive and relational.
I prayed this morning and asked the Lord if He would reveal more to me about the series of 1's many of us are seeing. I have had this for several years now as well. This is what He said to me. It is a sign to us that He is bringing many "ones" together as One. The 1's represent each of us in the Body being transitioned into 1 Body. I know for me personally when I first began to see them, I would experience warfare and shaking and I just came to a point of when I saw them that I knew I had to stop and just pray. It was a tough time of shaking.
The Holy Spirit said, "Praise is a weapon. I am going to show you how to wreak havoc on the enemy camp." He showed me a huge circular saw blade that was lit up like a light, cutting through the middle of the enemy's camp. The devil's camp looked like ants in comparison to the giant saw blade that was bigger than the trees, ripping through the forest. He said, "The high praises of God's people is piercing to the enemy." I saw them running around cringing with ear-piercing pain as they covered their ears to try to muffle the sound of the praises of God's people. It was dropping them in their tracks, with excruciating pain.
Do you know the least effective way to help someone? Try to immediately solve their problems. Tell them all the clichés for why bad things happen or why they're wrong. Argue your point of view. In my Season of Doubt, it wasn't an argument that helped, it wasn't a new strategy, it was something else entirely. How often do we try to fix other people when what they really need is to be heard? I'm guilty of it, I know. Our knee-jerk reaction when someone shows us their struggle is to offer any insight we can. That's not a bad thing, necessarily, but it needs to be near the end of a very crucial series of events.
There was a person who came into our church yesterday wearing a head wrap and I could not tell if it was a man or a woman from across the room, but I did finally figure out that it was for obvious medical reasons. But someone posted that there were churches on the "attack list" (the enemy has always been on the attack but it is getting more public these days) and I wondered if we would or could be one of them. I think all big churches should wonder that. Anyway, our speaker was talking about the Cross, and the Lord started weaving His conversation in with the speaker's message going on. First the Lord asked me, "What would you do if that was a terrorist and not just a needy person?"