Genesis 1:1"In the beginning God created…" This year of 2018 is going to be a year of Genesis, of new creation, even new beginnings signified by the number 8.  2017 was a year of completion and bringing things to a close – even things that needed resolution for many years. 2018 will also be a year of fulfillment of promises and expansion with an emphasis on Kingdom Advancement. Be encouraged as this year approaches – God wants to put you right where you belong so that you can have an impact in your God appointed place.
Be still and know I am your God.  If you listen, you can hear Me calling your name in the still of the night.  While you are dreaming of other things, I am waiting upon you to call out to Me, to call My name.  Yes, I want to commune with you. It is so important to know Me, not to just know about Me but to commune with Me.  I am the way, the truth, and the life but you must take Me by the hand so I can lead you through the Promised Land that is full of milk and honey but it also has giants in the land lurking ready to take you out.
"Deep calls unto deep at the noise of your waterfalls: all your waves and your billows are gone over me." (Psalms 42:7) In my spirit I hear the wooing of the Lord tenderly calling to His treasured Bride in 2018. The deep things inside Him are stirring the deep things inside us. All over the world we see this holy cry for more of Him. He's stirring in us an urgency to run after Him with all that is in us because time is short, and the wise virgins of Matthew 25 must have their lamps filled with oil and be ready for His soon return to establish His kingdom.  "As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?" (Psalms 42:1)
I had a dream recently where the Lord spoke clearly, "I am raising up a people of perseverance." God is raising up a people of perseverance. Right now God is dealing with the issues of the heart that would hinder perseverance. Those areas of the heart that continue to raise themselves up, that fear links into, that anxiety lives in, where discouragement or disappointment took root, where the weeds have gone deep into the gardens of people's hearts. God is uprooting those things now.
God says do not harden your hearts – I have been meditating about this for a little while now in the hope of being able to understand in a practical way what this might look like and how it impacts our lives when it happens. I began for some reason to think about muscles and how they work and are renewed. As I sat there I tensed the main muscle on my leg and kept it tense for a short while. As I did this I noticed that even though this was a voluntary movement it nevertheless rendered my muscle useless as in this state of tension nothing could enter nor exit from it. I also noticed that unless I relaxed it the muscle would cramp up and remain hard and in pain until treated.
Very clearly this morning I heard "It is time to make reservations of faith." By definition, to make a reservation is 1) to put something on the books, 2) to set aside an area of land for occupation or 3) a right to an estate being conveyed! There are, however, other kinds of reservations. When you have a reservation about something it signifies DOUBT. This is why the reservations we are to make now are ones of FAITH. Let me share what the Holy Spirit unpacked about each of these.
"...Everything is against me!" - Genesis 42:36 Eventually, Benjamin along with Jacob's other sons learned that their brother Joseph was second in command in Egypt. Joseph revealed his identity, and Jacob was reunited with his son whom he had not seen for more than 13 years. He had thought Joseph to be dead. So often we believe our dreams are dead. There seems to be nothing left in our world to live for. Everything appears to be against us.
Music, at its essence, is what gives us memory. Stevie Wonder

In the past, I sang every single day. Now, like many others, it seems that my harp has been hung on the willow tree (Psalm 137:2)…only singing at a worship services, but not alone. For this New Year, I hear the Lord say, "SING!" You are created as an instrument that can sing. Music holds the power of creation. The stars sang at creation and the angels sang at the birth of Christ.
Many of God's people are hurting from other people's acts against them. Some are even hurting from their own acts against themselves. In Jeremiah 8:21-22, the prophet cried out: For the brokenness of the daughter of my people am I broken; I mourn; dismay has taken hold of me. Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why then has not the health of the daughter of my people recovered? The truth is that there is a balm for hurt now. A physician is here.
Recovery is available for the health of God's people, all daughters and sons. When Jeremiah spoke the words above, the people of Judah had turned away from worshiping God. Instead, they turned to worshipping idols. They committed evil acts against one another.
Wedding toasts are normally awkward, funny, or moving. If you can avoid the first and combine the second two, you're doing something right. I went to a wedding recently, and was deeply moved by a simple acknowledgement from a father to a son. "Son, I have never been disappointed in you, and I am so proud of you." Maybe it was just me, but it felt like something shifted in the atmosphere of the room. I'm pretty sure every male there at least had a tear creeping at the edge of their eyes. It was a beautiful moment none of us will forget.