As we enter into this new month and approach the new Hebrew year 5779, God showed me the image of someone holding a journal of all the words God had given to him/her. The people represented by this person had shed many tears in the past over what were perceived as lost promises. Words had appeared in bits and pieces but never come to pass. As the page was turned (just as the page is being turned with this new month and year), a full page of bold writing was revealed, containing not only the words seen before, but the full meaning and context.
"So Gideon took the men down to the water. There the Lord told him, 'Separate those who lap the water with their tongues like a dog from those who kneel down to drink.'" Judges 7:5 Would you ever take on an army of 100,000 with only 300 men? Sound preposterous? I agree. However, this is exactly what happened with Gideon. It was bad enough that he began with 10,000 against 100,000, but this was too many men according to God. He would not allow Gideon to fight with this many soldiers, because the temptation would still remain to believe that it was the strength of his army that won the victory. God told Gideon to pare down his army to a mere 300.
Sickness and disease: Are they simply a fact of life on this miserable, sin-filled, messed-up planet? Is it our own fault? Can we expect healing as a result of faith in Jesus? Even those who haven't previously sought God's intervention often seek out prayer for healing when they or a loved one becomes ill. And yet there's a lot of frustration among believers about this topic. Some seek someone to pray for them every time they face a physical symptom. Prayer can never be wrong; it's always right to seek prayer.
Have any of you felt sleepy a lot lately? I have been and I have blamed it on many different things, like health issues, and finally started praying about it in a serious way, rebuking it, and the Lord led me to an old article I wrote on the "spirit of slumber." In the article, it talked about believing in "words" that you had to "wait for." All these "words" talk about all the "good things" that are coming to you, just wait, confess and believe, like that is all that was required. Well, many of these words never come to pass and you feel guilty for "doubting" but it was a fake promise! They only shared part of the story and generalized it in such a way that it made it appear it was for anyone and everyone.
I have not spoken to anyone personally about what I am about to share. I have been sensing this from my times with the Lord over the last few days. Although we live in a specific geographic area (& I claim no global sphere of authority), I also know that the Church is being prepared in ways that go beyond the past, and many have no frame of reference for what God is doing.
September is going to be an awesome time during the Days of Awe. This is a month in which God speaks more clearly to us about the coming year and about our destiny. Each year, during the time of Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year) and Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement), God examines our lives for the purpose of promotion. This year it is going to be a special time of promotion! Rosh Hashanah starts at sundown on September 9 and ends at sundown on September 11. Yom Kippur starts on September 18 at sundown and ends on September 19, also at sundown. This is a 10-day period in which the heavens are much more open for dreams, visions, revelation and heavenly encounters.
What are you truly convicted about? I'm not talking about what rules or obligations you feel like you should uphold to be a good person. I'm talking about at your core, what are genuinely convicted about? I was listening to a podcast with a guy who interviews hundreds of new candidates a year for jobs. One of his main questions is what I just asked you. He said he can learn a lot very quickly about a person. Most people, he claims, don't have a great answer. I think we all have a script we can upload, based on our upbringing, our experiences, our religious affiliation. When you sift past the easy answers, though, what do you find?
Believers are living in a time when the light of the church is emerging out of the Dark Ages where gross darkness has covered the people. Some people are still ruled by legalistic, religious doctrines that keep them locked in spiritual poverty. Many denominations continue to limit the ministry of the Holy Spirit, gifts and the interaction with angels by legislating their control through religious traditions to emasculate the power of God. It is important that we learn to work with the "ANGELS IN GOD'S KINGDOM" so that we can access the new dimensional gates and open effective doors.
Are you ready to hear God more clearly? Do you need a breakthrough in an area of your life? We are just a few weeks away from an important time called Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur—the Days of Awe. These holidays celebrate the Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashanah), which falls on September 9–11 and continue through the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), which falls on September 18–19 this year. This is a time when the heavens are opened more than usual because God is revealing and releasing your destiny for the coming year! Even though we are no longer under the Jewish Law and God operates on different calendars, this is a wonderful time to hear the voice of God and prepare for the coming season.
Given some recent events that are making national headlines, I feel compelled to share a dream I had in 2015 in which I had an open vision of the coming days. The weight of its message was clear, and I believe we are getting closer and closer to a shift we could never imagine and a reality we've never known. I was walking down a road with many people. All of the sudden behind my right shoulder, a huge golden beam of light from the heavens shone down and began to move across the sky in front of me from right to left. It was massive, and it was evident it was not manmade but from another realm. It began to engulf everything it touched.