Do you ever experience coincidences that stop you in your tracks? The pastor on the podcast explained the text would be from Deuteronomy. I turned it up and pulled directly behind a car with a tag that read "DEUT28." A minute later the pastor said, "We'll be looking at chapter 28 today." He had my attention. I'm not going to rehash the whole sermon, but I do want to share the core of the message that followed as I drove home and has stuck in my mind to this day. We have lived a long time with the idea of blessings and curses. There is an unspoken economy in our souls: do right and be blessed, do wrong and be cursed. Moses went into great detail in the Torah to explain the system of blessings and curses.
"Those who sow their tears as seeds will reap a harvest with joyful shouts of glee. They may weep as they go out carrying their seeds to sow, but they will return with joyful laughter and shouting with gladness as they bring back armloads of blessings and a harvest overflowing." Psalm 126:5-6 (The Passion Translation) The Lord brought this Scripture before me this week and I have been sitting on it and seeking the Lord's heart. As I sat with the Lord, I heard Him say: "There have been MANY tears sown as seeds in this season. There have been MANY tears that have been cried and I have collected each one.
Last night we had a heavy thunderstorm with a lot of lightening. I asked the Lord why this was necessary. He brought me to Exodus 9:23. The Lord brought thunder, hail and lightening flashing to the ground to destroy his enemies. Moses simply obeyed His word by stretching a rod toward heaven. Once again it is time to stretch forth your rod. Jesus is about to do amazing wonders among us to show Himself strong over Egypt. Pharaoh's regime is coming down. In the book of Exodus, the Lord appeared to Moses in a burning bush and asked him to go to Pharaoh with a word from the Lord.
What is strange fire? It is a sacrifice offered up to God with wrong motives and/or with hearts not right towards one another. Remember Ananias and Sapphira! (Acts 5:1-11) God will not receive! Once I had a dream I was in a large room with a high ceiling and it was very noisy even though I was the only one in this room. There were masquerade masks floating around in the ceiling and at my feet were these little twisters. The Lord showed me these were spirits of hypocrisy and undercurrents of backbiting and gossip.
We are able to access the eternal spiritual realm through the Holy Spirit who connects us to Jesus. He is the Living Word of God. Jesus Christ is the only God-given door that we enter into through prayer, meditation, praise and worship, dreams and vision. Jesus, the Anointed One, is the only God who has been raised from the dead. Jesus was raised from the slumber of death, becoming the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep or died. We know that death entered the world through the physical body of Adam when he sinned, so it took the spiritual body of the perfect man Jesus to make the resurrection of the dead a reality for us.
God is the God of the breakthrough but he uses our hands – if you do your part he will do. (2 Chronicles 20:17) contains a powerful promise that has encouraged many believers over the years, "But you will not even need to fight. Take your positions; then stand still and watch the LORD's victory. He is with you, O people of Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid or discouraged. Go out against them tomorrow, for the LORD is with you!" There is no progress without resistance: There is a spiritual battle over your breakthrough. We can only win the battle in the spirit. Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside them was superior to their circumstance. His name is Jesus.
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love. 1 John 4:18 Jesus gives you His shalom to set you up for success in life. You cannot be a success in your marriage, family and career when you are crippled and paralyzed with fear. Today, as you are reading this, I believe with all my heart that Jesus has already begun a work in your heart to liberate you from all your fears, whatever they may be.
The Lord said, "Truth is bombarding the scenes. Whosoever will pick up the ‘manna’ will thrive and build their lives, while others remain stagnant...relying on what they currently know." It's time for the church to expand themselves! To roll out the carpet and receive the truths I'm proclaiming, through all the 7 Mountains of culture and beyond! Not just the Church Mountain. I am bringing a unity of TRUTH and it is coming on the scene where the general public will not be able to deny it."
The Lord spoke to me that He is raising up a "new breed" in the earth. He showed me several characteristics that would mark this new breed. Before I share them with you, let me share a prophetic encounter I had with God. The Lord spoke to me, "The top of My list for you is the bottom of your list. And the bottom of your list, is the top of My list. The top of my list for you is the refinement of your character. I want your roots to go so deep in Me, that success will never move you." As God prepared me, He wanted to make sure that my root system was so deep in Him, that when I got to where He was bringing me, I'd be able to stand and sustain what He entrusted to me.
When you are born again, you become a new creation. You are "born again" from the seed of the Holy Spirit inside your soul that begins to grow and manifest. As you feed on the Word of God and are nurtured around those who walk in the Spirit, you will begin to grow and thrive in the creation that God has ordained YOU to be! You will go through a number of transformation processes. What you start off as young is probably not what you will look like when you are older and more mature. You can easily see this in the natural world as well! There are phases from infant to adult. The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 15:46, "However, the spiritual is not first, but the natural, and afterward the spiritual."