Have you ever met someone you immediately had a meaningful connection with? What about a whole group of people? I was reminded last week that a little bit of vulnerability can turn complete strangers into good friends.

"In my walks, every man I meet is my superior in some way, and in that I learn from him."- Ralph Waldo Emerson

The other day I realized that the Jewish collection of sacred writ we call the Scriptures was the first feminist manifesto! When I refer to feminist in the context of this article I am describing the celebration, honor, equality and liberty afforded the feminine aspect of humanity called women. (I am not referring to the radical feminist, men-hating agenda prevalent in many circles today.) It is not a coincidence that when we compare women's rights in nations historically influenced culturally by Christianity (especially the Protestant Reformation nations) to nations affected primarily by other religions (such as Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism), there is no comparison!
Do you need deliverance from demonic strongholds or wrong mindsets? We cannot and must not blame everything on a demon. We have responsibility for the mindsets we take on and the freedom we need to receive. So often we relate the word deliverance to demonic entities infiltrating our soul. The definition of deliverance from American Dictionary of the English Language, Webster's Dictionary 1828, is, "release from captivity, slavery, oppression or any restraint." We can hold ourselves in captivity by wrong mindsets.
There is a heavy fog attempting to rest over many forerunners because there is a major increase of wisdom, discernment, divine insight and understanding available to you right now. Push through, you're going higher. There is an incredible increase of the pioneering anointing being released in the body of Christ right now and there are many forerunning what God is going to do and release in the body of Christ in this new era. The Lord showed me that many of these forerunners are carrying significant revelation and wisdom for this new era and what God is going to do, but they have also been battling a fog, a heaviness and almost a disorientation.
Can't figure out how to stop the flow of negative emotions? I have something that may help. I've been a prophetic life coach for many years, and one of the first habit changes I suggest for the people I coach is a very simple one: Flip it and flip it good! It's a way of encouraging people to look for the good in every situation, but it can be easier said than done. Here are a few practical examples of negative emotions you can flip for good starting today!
Now Joseph had been taken down to Egypt. And Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh, captain of the guard, an Egyptian, bought him from the Ishmaelites who had taken him down there. The Lord was with Joseph, and he was a successful man; and he was in the house of his master the Egyptian. Genesis 39:1–2 Would you consider the young man Joseph, who was about to be sold into slavery, "a successful man?" Of course not! Yet, God says in His own words that Joseph was a successful man. God's definition of success is contrary to the world's definition.
As we are in a new decade and prophetic time of reset, the Lord is giving His people new strategies and new sets of rules of engagement to gain the upper hand over the enemy. Therefore, when we end one year strong, it is equally important to start a new one even stronger. This is a time to watch as well as pray. As there are those who have committed to fasting in a time of intense prayer, consecration and solidarity before the Lord, the enemy will take advantage of the opportune time of vulnerability to tempt, distract and seduce God's people into breaking their commitment, resolution, new goals and objectives.
Whether you're a New Year's resolutions person or not, the science is clear that defining clear goals makes it more likely you will reach them. Have you considered some relationship goals for your marriage for 2020? As one year ends and another begins, I take some time to look at the year that has been, and consider some goals for the New Year. I look at several areas of my life — physical well-being, emotional health, material/financial, ministry strategy and my own spiritual life. I look at what's working and what's not working, and what I want to change in the New Year.
All of my kids' birthdays are important to me (I'm an enneagram 7, we celebrate errythang y'all), but my oldest child's birthday (which just passed) holds special significance to me because of the circumstances surrounding his birth. I'm in a storytelling mood today, so buckle up and put on your grown up britches today because I want to share about a time in my life that was a HOT mess. Most people who only know TODAY Amber are shocked at where I came from. I've been asked throughout my ministry to tone it down or to develop a G rated version of my testimony, but I WILL NOT. ***Consider that your trigger warning.***
Stretch your faith to some degree all the time! Sometimes, God helps you to do it when you weren't even planning to do it. It's really all working for your good!!!  (See Romans 8:28)  And for the good of the Body of Christ at large. If you keep looking for Him in it, He will show up!  It's not always easy! But it works, because this is the blessing of the righteous! Keep telling God how good He is!  Not because you are using flattery but you are telling Him in praise and reminding yourself!  It will help you accept the greater works.  Through this we also learn what and how to bind and to loose. We learn to declare, we learn how to receive (so that we can hold on to it), and we learn how to be the head and not the tail.