Urgent! Jeremy Speaks for the First Time On Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton by Jeremy Lopez

By Jeremy Lopez
As I witness the outrage, strife and bitter hatred on both sides of the Republican and Democratic parties, I see an evil emerging. No, not from the Democratic side as some would assume, but from the heart of man as a whole! As the church, we have gotten so ingrained within the systems of the world that we have forgotten who is actually in charge. Now, this article is not what many of you expected. It is not based on me telling you prophetically who is going to be the next President. We have already seen that happen with many prophetic voices who nationally prophesied Cruz or Rubio would be the next President of the United States of America; and with no apology whatsoever from many of these pastors and prophetic voices declaring they completely missed it.
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By Jeremy Lopez
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As I witness the outrage, strife and bitter hatred on both sides of the Republican and Democratic parties, I see an evil emerging. No, not from the Democratic side as some would assume, but from the heart of man as a whole! As the church, we have gotten so ingrained within the systems of the world that we have forgotten who is actually in charge. Now, this article is not what many of you expected. It is not based on me telling you prophetically who is going to be the next President. We have already seen that happen with many prophetic voices who nationally prophesied Cruz or Rubio would be the next President of the United States of America; and with no apology whatsoever from many of these pastors and prophetic voices declaring they completely missed it. Nor will I bring in typology of who Donald Trump is likened to in the bible, such as some extremist who said Cyrus, nor will I liken Hillary to Jezebel which I say was a disgrace that someone in the prophetic called her. I dearly love all my prophetic friends and honor them but we have to call a spade a spade. Which means, we have taken the old testament and abused it badly by taking biblical characters and wrapping their characteristics and personality traits around these two candidates and yet, we have absolutely no scripture to justify these means. What if we respected these candidates enough to actually be them! The man and woman God has created them to be.
Thus Says the Lord…
I will not call out names since I try to practice grace and love upon all people but we have seen too many people miss it this year alone by prophesying Cruz, Trump, Clinton and Rubio as the next President of the United States of America. And yet, while they do these 'thus says the Lord' on television for millions of people to see, the world continues to laugh at us while we time and time again they miss it. The Old Testament would have not allowed this to happen. These ministers would have been stoned. Praise God today, we don't stone people since we are under an amazing covenant of grace but the prophetic movement has spouted off not who the Lord wants, but who THEY want to be President. You cannot prophesy what your subconscious and your heart wants just because your brain can wrap around your theology, as if your theology is perfect and flawless.
We today, are loosing this generation, those that many would call the millennials. They are tired of the extremism within the parties (Republican and Democrat), movements, and churches as a whole. I have spoken to many of them, including my nephew, niece, their friends and so on to see and hear what they have to say about all of this. They mention the abuse of characters in the bible that we project upon Hillary and Donald are horrible! They are more about 'come, let us reason together' than more people I have ever met in the prophetic movement. Is it possible to keep the Lord involved in our votes without throwing the Old Testament at people, including these candidates? Is it possible to look towards the very one who came to save us and actually see what HE says about it? Is it possible for us to quit using prophecy like a dirty old rag and making a mockery of it by saying out loud who the next President is going to be to only set ourselves up to miss it again? Will the prophetic movement ever learn its lesson?
These are things I plead with you to consider.
Will our country be destroyed if Hillary Clinton becomes President? Absolutely not! I like what Glenn Beck said, "If she is elected, the world does not end....."  Will the world end if Donald Trump is elected! No!
I remember what Kim Clement (a prophetic voice) back in the election of 2008 between Obama and McCain prophesied. He prophesied Obama would be President. Christians were baffled in not knowing what to do. Christians everywhere were disrespecting the President and even calling him names, which the bible warns us not to do. But we have to remember, God puts in office who He wants in office for whatever reason He sees fit. God has used people from Churchill to King James to do things only they could do for things we have no clue why, but God does.
Why do We Pray?
We have to remember, it is not about our own understanding, but God's understanding. That's why, He gives us the peace that surpasses own understanding. The peace is given because of things we know and things we do not know or understand. So in voting, God never asks us what we think. God knows the ending from the beginning. He knows what He is doing.
You might ask, "Why do we even pray then?" Good question.  Because the prayers of the righteous man, avails much. Which means, as His sons and daughters, we are called to make our petition (prayer) known to God. So then, how should we pray?
Matthew 6:9-13 This, then, is how you should pray, "'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.  Give us today our daily bread.  And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.  And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one."
Now, let's look at verse 8 of this same chapter.  It reads, "For your Father knows what you NEED before you ask him."
Did you catch that? He said, "What you NEED!"  Not what you want! Which means, quit bringing to God what you think He wants. That is disrespectful to Him! We pray what He wants for us! Many of you already have your mind made up because you have been Republican or Democrat all of your life and you KNOW what God wants. Honestly, if that is true, you are one close-minded person.  When you think you know what God (the maker of the universe) wants, you have already shut your mind off from Him. You cannot always read the bible and apply everything you read to all situations of life. It does not work that way! Let me give you a great example. How many times have you read a scripture and seen the truth in it? Yet, you come back to that same scripture 10 years later and it reads totally different to you now. Why? Because truth is progression. It will read totally different because your perception has changed, your life has changed and the way you see things in the kingdom has grown more inside of you. Therefore, it grows inside of you as you can receive it and process it where you are in that now moment. Does it mean the word of God was wrong the first time you read it? No! Truth grows in you as you grow. This is why we go from glory to glory. Everything is line upon line, precept upon precept. So to say, 'We know what God likes,' no you don't. None of us do. That's why He is God and we are not.
Don't Believe Everything You Hear
We should never fall for or believe everything the media tells from Fox to CNN. Folks, "Come out from among them and be ye separate," says the Lord! You know they will lie about Clinton and Trump over and over again. Plus, unless you witness something yourself, it is all just hearsay. Remember Peter? Who did not receive his information from flesh and blood or what 'some say.' It was first hand revelation from Jesus AND then, Jesus had to confirm that he did hear from the Lord personally. So if you hear what happened in Benghazi about Clinton or hear something Trump said about someone, do not believe either one! Don't let this world make a fool out of you! Unless you were there and heard it personally, it is all merely hearsay folks. Sorry to bust your bubble but the truth is we should be like Thomas who said, "Unless I thrust my hand in your side and feel the nail scarred hands, I am not going to believe." Well said Thomas!
So can we really pick Trump or Clinton to be the example that Christ tells us to look for? Absolutely not! So folks, if you hate Clinton or Trump, you are in the wrong. What you should do is rise above the worlds system and quit listening to them! Do what is scripturally correct by praying equally for both of them and pray the Lord will lead you (without being bias) to see whom you should vote for. And remember, quit being childish by thinking God is Republican or Democrat. Truthfully, God really does not care. He is God, not part of a silly party that the world came up with. God can use whomever He wants for any reason He desires. He used evil kings in the bible for certain reasons that only they can accomplish. Also keep in mind, it was God who hardened Pharoah's heart then USED HIM to chase the children of Israel to the Red Sea so a miracle could happen. So did God use Pharoah? Absolutely! He is a part of history that was needed. When you get wrapped up in 'he said, she said,' you loose the essence of what Christ would say. God did not call the church to be 'police' of the world but He did call us to humble ourselves, walk by faith, give the shirt off our back to anyone who asks for it, feed the poor, decrease that He can increase in us, walk in meekness, kindness and love. The New Testament never refers to us as warriors or even an army. Think about it! These are ALL Old Testament words. Jesus called us to be sons and daughters of God not world police. 
Jeremy Lopez