Finding the Flow and Breakthrough in Worship by John Belt

By John Belt
Recently in a vision I saw that there are people who are in a place of frustration regarding their worship. More specifically because there was no real breakthrough in the worship. It was like they were hitting a wall and there was no to little effect in shifting the spiritual atmosphere. Having been caught up in a place of mechanics and performance in the worship, it was getting them nowhere. In this God was sending help to bring them back into the simplicity in worship where the flow of the Spirit could be restored.
Finding the Flow and Breakthrough in Worship by John Belt
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Recently in a vision I saw that there are people who are in a place of frustration regarding their worship. More specifically because there was no real breakthrough in the worship. It was like they were hitting a wall and there was no to little effect in shifting the spiritual atmosphere. Having been caught up in a place of mechanics and performance in the worship, it was getting them nowhere. In this God was sending help to bring them back into the simplicity in worship where the flow of the Spirit could be restored.
Learning from David’s Worship
Many times, people know what they want but do not know how to get there. Sometimes it is something that has been experienced but over time people have lost the way and the freshness of what was experienced. When it comes to breakthrough in worship it is a very real thing. In this context I’m referring to Davidic worship – the worship experience that the psalmist David referred to where we worship with all of our being, the voice, instruments and etc. Our lives are to be worship to the Lord. We are to be living sacrifices to our God. But there is also this specific experience in our vocalization of worship to the Lord that brings a very real breakthrough in our lives and affects the spiritual atmospheres that surround us. This is the context in which I’m writing here.
God has given us a mouth to vocalize praise to Him. Just as the voice of the Lord is powerful – even breaking the cedars of Lebanon as David described it, so our voice as well has great power. We know that words, even the tongue, is able to wield life and death. As our voice is yielded to the Spirit we have a weapon in worship that can breakthrough most effectively into the spirit realm.
Pitfalls of Performance
There is a trap set for modern day worship. There is a lot of performance-based worship that is able to create hit songs, great recordings and put on a great show but can lack in true substance and effect. This is not coming from the angle of someone who has “arrived” because Jesus is the standard and it won’t happen in this life. At the same time, there are people and even worship leaders who are struggling because there is no real breakthrough happening in the worship.
The Book of Ezekiel describes our experience with the waters of the Spirit where we can go ankle deep, knee deep, waist deep, up to the neck and then to the point where we lose control. Through this I see that many are stuck at whatever level of experience in God’s presence and Spirit knowing that there is more. They are frustrated because they are not seeing that next level of breakthrough. The good news is that Jesus sends us the Helper – the Holy Spirit to help us.
At the root I truly believe the mechanics of performance can bring some great limitations to going into the place of breakthrough. Our simplicity of faith and devotion is what enables us to enter into the rest that God has for us – even to experience greater manifestation of His glory.
From Glory to Glory
God’s glory is what we are ultimately wanting to break into. We should want greater glory in our lives, meetings together and glory that is carried in out into the world. We are to live from glory to glory. It is an ever-increasing glory.
2 Corinthians 3:18 But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.
There are things that sidetrack people from pursuing Jesus in His glory. There is a lot of show-oriented church with lights, cameras and action that comes at a price. It is not bad. I like some of it. But it can carry its limitations with it. It can be one expression of worship but not the greatest. We don’t want to be deceived into thinking it is the pinnacle or worship experience – because it is not. There is great anointed performance, but no matter how you cut it, it can only go so far. We have to have a devotional life of worship without all the bells, hype, whistles, and spotlights that goes deeper into the heart. Otherwise, it can be a superficial cover for shallow lives. It does have its place, but we need to experience the depths of His glory. If it gets to the point where it just sounds like more noise, then you know that it’s time to go deeper.
There needs to be a sound of heaven resonating in your heart that is flowing from a devoted relationship with God through His Spirit. We have this treasure in earthen vessels – the surpassing glory of God.
2 Corinthians 4:7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us.
The Voice of the Lord
The Father of glory gives us the spirit of wisdom and revelation. The prophetic flow is key to breakthrough. Understand that the prophetic really finds its beginnings in our intimacy with God. When we stay close to the heart of God, we hear His voice. It is not whether or not He is speaking. He is always speaking. The question is “are we hearing?” That’s why we need to tune into His frequency. Those who live after the flesh are trying to get God on theirs. That’s just not the way it works. He is God, not us. Because of this we have to get on His frequency. In His mercy He reaches out to us to bring us into His family. But as sons of God, He does want us to learn how to hear His voice – tuning into His channel to get His instructions for our lives and to show us what He wants to do. In this we get to be a part of His most amazing plans in the earth.
When we worship Him in spirit and in truth, we find His frequency and hear His voice. This is foundational for us because this is the essence of the prophetic. Congratulations! When you hear the voice of God you are now considered prophetic! When you hear the voice of God there are so many benefits in your life. It awakens your heart, gives you purpose, brings guidance and most of all helps you to know the reality of God personally. Another thing the voice of God does is bring “breakthrough”. It is the nature of His voice – it breaks things open!
Psalms 29:5 The voice of the LORD breaks the cedars, Yes, the LORD splinters the cedars of Lebanon.
Consider this now in the context of worship. If we carry on in our carefully planned excellently packaged programmatic approaches to worship and neglect this one aspect of prophetic living, we are left as a dry well with no potential for breakthrough. The voice of the Lord is like the “sound of many waters.”
Revelation 1:15 …His feet were like fine brass, as if refined in a furnace, and His voice as the sound of many waters;
The voice of the Lord needs to be in our heart. If someone becomes dependent on programs, plans and professionalism then it is idolatry. We need to learn to be solely dependent upon the Lord, not leaning on our own understanding. None of these things are evil within themselves. It is all about where our heart is. What are we trusting in?
Another question is how deep does one want to go with the Lord? One person wants water that is only ankle deep. Another wants it to the waist. Then others want the waters of the Spirit to totally take them over. In the different expressions of worship, we should realize that there are different purposes in the songs. Some are songs of joy. Some are songs about God’s goodness. Others express the awesome sacrifice of Jesus – telling of His mercy, grace and love. It is all about where our heart is. One thing we want to keep is that simplicity of devotion to Jesus where all the other stuff doesn’t matter.
May the Lord guide you deeper and deeper into the fullness of His Spirit – because He is always calling you closer to His heart.
John Belt