The Reality of the Supernatural World (book) by Todd Bentley
The Reality of the Supernatural World (book) by Todd Bentley
SKU#: PROD27565
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The Reality of the Supernatural World teaches how Spirit-filled believers can take back what Satan has perverted, allowing them to explore the supernatural realms that God wants them to experience.

You will receive revelation about the supernatural world including:

  • How to access it.
  • Types of experiences.
  • Locations in the supernatural.
  • Functions of angels.
  • How to live under an open Heaven.
  • The price of accessing spiritual depth.

Author Todd Bentley was dramatically delivered as a teenager from a life of alcohol, drugs, prison, and the occult, launching him by the Holy Spirit into a worldwide ministry. He is a "prophetic signpost of what God wants to do with millions of others."

Step into the Reality of the Supernatural World and open the heavens of your life. You will receive a powerful anointing and become a vessel for miracles, signs, and wonders.

Fresh Fire began through an intense time of soaking prayer and visitations of the Holy Spirit. We have seen over a million people in 65 nations make a decision for Christ in our crusades, having heard the Gospel preached, and seeing and experiencing the Word heal, save, set free, and deliver in signs, wonders, and miracles. God's destiny for Todd Bentley has not changed; it still blazes in his heart and is the spirit of this ministry, and we believe we are about to see greater outpourings and greater harvests than we have ever seen before. The Lakeland Outpouring did not end. It was the beginning of a global awakening for faith, harvest, and signs and wonders! In preparation, we will continue to cultivate and advance revival for harvest by training and equipping multitudes through internships, ministry schools, missions, teaching resources, and conferences.

Moreover, we have exciting news about a new Fresh Fire outreach currently in the development phase. We are calling this project, F.I.R.E. (Freeing the Innocent, Rescuing the Exploited). The Lord has laid upon our hearts a mission to "rescue" victims of human trafficking, of which there are millions all over the world, even in our own country. The exploited and abused are women and children, the poor and orphaned, and the desperate and defenseless. We will be specifically targeting the Sex Trades.

"And as you go, preach, saying, 'The kingdom of heaven is at hand.' Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. Freely you received, freely give" - Matthew 10:7, 8.

Product Details

Weight: 2 lbs.

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