Teaching CD
By Matt Sorger, James Goll, Rolland Baker and Bonnie Chavda
Fiery preacher Bonnie Chavda shared from the Welsh Revival and talked about stewarding a sustained habitation of God’s presence. Though the Welsh Revival was deeply impacting, it was short lived. God wants to release a sustained move of revival in the earth and He wants to use you to do it! Bonnie also shares how God miraculously intervened saving her child from death.
#2 - Deliverance and Transformation - Bonnie Chavda
The solution to your struggles and problems is the pure, untainted blood of Jesus! God is releasing a revolution of pure love. Bonnie is very transparent in this session and shares her own experience with personal deliverance. In public she served in ministry faithfully, but in secret wanted to run! She shares how God saved her from burnout as a minister’s wife and transformed and set her free.
#3 - What’s the Point? - Rolland Baker
Filled with so much fun, humor and laughter you will thoroughly enjoy listening to Rolland’s message. Rolland gets to the heart of the matter and examines the heart motives behind what we do. Why do we serve? Why do we love miracles? Why do we want big churches and big orphanages? What’s the motive? What keeps us going when things get tough? What’s the point in doing what we do? Rolland shares the secret to being totally free and totally happy.
#4 - When the Spirit Comes in Power - James Goll
Prophet James Goll shares about a coming glorious invasion of the Holy Spirit. Wherever there is desolation God is calling His people to transformation. James saw a vision of a coming move of God where raw, radical worship was at the center. Meetings were about worship. In the midst of God’s presence miracles were happening. But the focus wasn’t on the miracles. It was on the King. There is a cry being released, "Come again Holy Spirit!”
#5 - Glory Panel - Matt Sorger, James Goll, Rolland Baker, Bonnie Chavda
"One of the best open discussions I have ever been a part of! Get the CD or DVD!”
~ James Goll
In a very transparent and candid conversation, all four ministers share revelations of the glory and how to cultivate it in your life. They share their own personal struggles, challenges and the insights they have learned from their journeys in God. We learn from Rolland Baker how he and Heidi stay plugged into God’s presence while working in the rugged fields of Africa. We learn from Bonnie Chavda how important it is to experience God in the corporate setting and not just the private one. We learn from James Goll how to overcome deep trial and pain and come through filled with God’s glory. We learn from Matt Sorger how God reveals His glory to us.
#6 - Contending for Your Prophetic Promise - James Goll
James teaches powerful revelations on how to transition from a promise revealed to a promise fulfilled. He teaches how to contend for the fulfillment of the prophetic words over your life. He will show you how to move forward in the divine purpose God has for you.
#7 - Clothed In Glory - Matt Sorger
God wants to clothe you with His glory, power, presence and likeness! Being clothed in glory is being clothed with both the power of the Spirit and in Christ with all of His attributes, likeness and behavior. To be clothed in glory is to reflect God’s likeness both inwardly and outwardly. This message will teach you how to carry the glory in some very practical and supernatural ways that will show Jesus to the world.